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  • grinch
    03-11 10:33 PM
    Yes we are soulty!!

    Thanks bluesun, I'll try it out

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  • desi3933
    03-10 03:22 PM
    I hope I have answered your question (in red). :)

    >> Once they (USCIS) reached last quarter then they(DOS) will make EB2-I/C current and distribute those spill-over visas across EB.

    Thanks MDix.

    You have no idea. Have a good day, sir!

    US citizen of Indian origin

    wallpaper quote. Quote of the Week: 04. 22. 09
  • Quote of the Week: 04. 22. 09

  • nixstor
    07-05 03:58 PM
    First of all Nixstor everybody here really appreciates your contributions and support for the community. However, we have to remember that when there is a need people will act. You did no harm by making this very important point. Ofcourse the site might not be converted to a paid one, but your post really brought out certain very important points to light and we really appreciate that. You are right there are many who benefit without contributing. But we have to remember that any efforts similar to this (IV) will cosist of a huge population. Out of that there will always be a percentage who will never contribute and some selfless people like yourself who always take the extra step to help others and in turn recieve help. If this site becomes paid many might simply cut of their visits. And I wont argue with you if you say that aint true. Personally I feel we might loose a lot of the memberships if that happens. Regarding the present fight against the uscis, I dont even think we are in need of that big a sum because the AILF is taking up the case free of cost (correct me if I am wrong). You may / may not contribute. They are already decided and they will fight. Now the drive for the future CIR if any, will go on slowly and can be increased as need arises. More than money what we need now is people sending out information to the media / politicians. Money comes last now, as far as I know.

    Money never, never comes last, IMHO. Money does have its place right beside grass root efforts. Any one who undermines either of them at any time is making a huge mistake.

    I am scratching my head to figure out how IV benefits with non paying members? If you say that by being a member of IV, we have done the honors, I have no answer for you. If you say that we all boast about being a 15K member org, You can pass on me. Are you a proponent of "I dont care how IV benefits from me, All that I care for is if I got my question answered or not " thought process? As long as we see IV only as a forum and compare with other forums, we will never see the invaluable difference. while eulogizing the founders, also try to see what they would like us to do. I am positive they would love more contributions than a simple eulogy so that we can enable ourselves with more ammo. Thanks for the undeserved pat. I will be happy if people take a moment and introspect their stand on this issue.

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  • delhiguy
    07-09 04:05 PM
    YES! They did broke law by provisioning visa numbers for applications that had not cleared FBI check. Their book clearly says the visa number needs to be alloted only after the application is 100% ready for adjudication.

    Are we 100% SURE that this happened???

    Is there any clause in the law, which lets them do this ,If FBI doesnt give any information for 6 months/1 Year... I dont know , so i will let the court decide.


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  • hopefulgc
    10-15 04:35 PM
    This is exactly what we need. Let us get going on this people.
    Nixstor, a suggestion ... maybe add a poll to this so we can track how many have sent this letter.

    IV has been working with officials in DHS (not USCIS) to find the exact number of AOS applications pending sorted by priority date, per country, per category.

    Even though the need for requested information is clear and DHS officials agreed to push USCIS for such information, they clearly told IV to demonstrate the need by filing FOIA requests. A request from IV is already pending, but the more the number of requests, the more prioritized this request will become. There are approximately 65,000 FOIA requests pending in Track2 of USCIS queue.

    FOIA can be filed with USCIS either by using G-639 or by writing a simple letter. Our request will not fit the G-639 format and a simple notarized letter will do. I am attaching a sample document that members can download from Megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ERDT5F3P) or Google docs (http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddkc5z3x_1f5nvp5gm) and replace the fictitious John Doe information with theirs and mail out the letter to the address in the letter.

    If you are really information hungry, this is your chance to get it.

    (1) Download attachment

    (2) Replace John Doe information with yours & print it

    (3) Notarize it and mail it

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  • vedicman
    06-15 10:55 AM
    Can IV as a non profit organization contribute to the campaigns of candidates running against senators like Grassley? If so IV should do it. We should defeat Senators like Grassley who do not care to understand the issues but just stick to dumb talking points. These senators just talk of foreign workers and how to stop them - not once do they initiate any bill that will actually make the US more competitive by investing in education (math and science specifically).

    We will actually be doing a service to the American citizens by taking out dinosaurs like Grassley!! and also prevent frivolous bills that target high skilled immigrants!!


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  • like_watching_paint_dry
    01-19 04:26 PM
    Of course. Judges are the ones who interpret the laws. Officers just do what they are instructed to do. My point was just out of curiosity, how I think this law is being interpreted.

    But of course. My opinion is not only not to argue with officers, but don't even talk to them. When I feel that officer wants some "conversation" with me, my favorite response is "sorry officer, me no understand, no speak english". period. Smile to his face, keep saying "sorry". Don't show any extra document - just only what is required, nothing extra. Officer can be asking any questions, just hand him business card of your lawyer, say "my lawyer, talk him". as worse English you will use, as better it will be for you. My experience.

    When I first entered United States I was kept at secondary check for 4 hours (1999, IAD, Virginia). They kept asking me all kinda questions, it was no end. Finally I got pissed, I said "Sorry, I don't speak English good" and started playing with them. I took my dictionary and starting looking up every word. My next answer took 5 minutes. In next 5 minutes a woman walked to me, handed my documents and said "Welcome to America".

    LOL. That's an interesting approach. I've heard of a story where a hispanic dude who had a beer breath actually get out of a breathalyzer test and eventually get off a potential DUI conviction because of lack of evidence. His excuse was he could not understand the instructions the officer was giving...
    "no comprende..."
    "put your mouth here and phoo phoo ..."
    "no comprende..."

    2010 Quote of the Week: 04. 22. 09 wallpaper quote. wallpaper quote.
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  • desi485
    03-16 12:37 AM
    I work for a REAL big company and have a REAL good job. Don't get worked up you might get a cardiac arrest. :)

    And, please, gimme a break. H1B = high skilled? ya right.............keep living in your dream world buddy.........good for you. Most H1Bs, according to PUBLISHED research, earn less than $50,000.

    Freaking diploma holders from India get an H1B easily...........you think the monkeys who work for the outsourcing firms in India are "highly-skilled" ??

    Dude, IT and software are low skill jobs..........wake up and smell the coffee. Your saying "highly skilled" and holding up a placard won't change that reality. No one wants any more low skilled EB3 types in this country anymore. They are found dime a dozen.

    If your highness is so highly skilled, how come you are stuck in the EB3 queue and whine to get into EB2 ???

    Yes i AM selfish..........you got a problem with that?

    You are now "a more frustrated fool". Your desparation shows what you really are.


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  • GCBy3000
    01-16 10:14 AM
    I visited this site three times this morning and this thread subject did not attact me at all. Fourth time since I ran out of all issues, I thought to open this up to see what it is.

    Surprised to see it is created by IV core for an important issue. I would suggest to change the subject to a catchy one to prompt the users to open it or put this in home page somewhere eye catching.

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  • logiclife
    01-31 02:07 PM
    What if the employer is an NGO or NPO? I believe, it is not counted against the H-1 quota but in that case, can he start working right away?

    That depends. I dont know how the H1s that are issued outside of quota for educational and non-profit organizations work. If they have the validity date sooner than 1st Oct 2007, then yes, you can start working based on that date.

    Whatever the case, the H1 Approval letter (I - 797 ) will have start-date and end-date on it and that when you can work legally.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    03-10 01:15 PM
    Most of our members lose focus after the first week of anguish immediately following a visa bulletin.

    After that, we willingly engage in:
    1. LUD-watching (as a sport)
    2. Social networking on IV (reading forum threads, responding, stating how anguished we feel, talking about our contributions to the U.S. and how unfair the system is... )
    3. Punching the clock, waiting for the next visa bulletin thread
    4. Posting and speculating on the next visa bulletin thread, while waiting for the actual bulletin to show up
    5. Continue to blame USCIS, DoS, the Congress, the President, and the American people for not realizing our importance.
    6. Back to #1 (rinse, repeat... ), and hope for different results.

    What we will not do (skip this if you are participating actively):
    1. Participate in IV activities/action items
    2. Willingly contribute time and/or money towards achieving our goals

    As President Obama says (Boston Globe | Obama: Time of crisis can be 'great opportunity' (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/03/08/obama_time_of_crisis_can_be_great_opportunity/?rss_id=Boston.com+--+Latest+news)), an economic crisis presents the biggest opportunity for drastic change.
    "We've experienced great trials before," Obama said. "And with every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper -- to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis. That is what we can and must do today. And I am absolutely confident that is what we will do."If the President sees this time of crisis as a great opportunity, I see no reason why we should see the crisis as the greatest handicap for not working towards change.

    Let's realize that we will never reach our goals in this lifetime without working for that change.


    the problem is that we come up with such ideas only when visa bulletins come ..after few days everyone forgets.
    there is not much direction from core either and that makes you wonder if there will be any campaigns at all in the future for recapture

    the problem is that we come up with such ideas only when visa bulletins come ..after few days everyone forgets.
    there is not much direction from core either and that makes you wonder if there will be any campaigns at all in the future for recapture

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  • sukhwinderd
    03-15 10:13 AM
    some you of have offered accomodation. i sent private messages, but i am unable to reach these individuals. people offering accomodation please email me directly with address/phone#/details of accomodation offered directly to 2011carpool@gmail.com

    time is short and i need to accomodate visiting members.


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  • jelo
    04-09 11:11 AM
    I spoke to the lawyer about IOs at POE calling the employers whether the H1bs can be replaced by citizens. His explanation made sense and this calling business looks suspicious.
    As he said, we do not prove anywhere in H1b process that we are not going to replace citizens. we do prove that the job will be paid the prevailing wage at the location. So I dont know how the IO can call and ask that unless they have other strong reason to do so. I do here such news but not from any one I know and travelled.

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  • gk_2000
    06-10 04:20 PM


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  • Jaime
    09-12 05:06 PM
    We Are All Going To Washington! Make Sure You Join Us! Together We Will Achieve Our Hard-earned Freedom!!!!

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  • seahawks
    07-26 08:49 AM
    are they encouraging prinicipal aliens to "batter" spouses, so that they will be given permission to work:) Isn't spouses not able to work a pain by itself? Geez


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  • ajm
    10-22 04:22 PM
    I sent the fax today afternoon.

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  • WeldonSprings
    02-13 05:12 PM
    By ensuring that Indians do not get H-1 B visas and don't require their services; the US Government is building Trade Barriers in terms of Indian Goods sold there!!!


    Skilled immigrant not mucho good googling....:D

    The Indian Consulate, New York, provides information on the relevant
    Visas. It appears you will have to apply for an Employment Visa. There
    is detailed information on the page and a Visa Application Form. I
    note there is also a Journalists Visa which is for three months. I
    don?t know if this is applicable to your situation.

    This is some of the relevant information.

    EMPLOYMENT VISA: Employment visas are initially issued for one-year
    stay. A copy of the contract with the employer has to be enclosed.
    Kindly note that Employment Visa is given only for jobs that require
    very high level of skills and expertise. This can be extended by
    Foreigners Regional Registration Office in India, if the job contract
    continues. Spouses and children are granted co-terminus entry visas on

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  • alias
    09-10 01:25 PM
    Would the Sys Admin know if you've done that? :D

    Nope, you are simply transporting RTSP video data on port 80, to them it should be like any other web traffic.

    02-03 12:13 PM
    I spoke to Congresswoman Zoe Logfren's staff few days, back and they specifically pointed out on the country quota issue. I'm sure lot of lawmakers are aware about this issue, I wan to give it a try, guys who think it is an unfair system, please PM me, this is my own initiative so no there is no arguement on whether IV supports this or not...

    I did want to PM you, but thought of posting it on the open forum. So here is what I have to say.

    You are a total jerk because you do not understand, and you do not want to understand that your actions could annoy people and harm the effort. There is a time for everything. Just because we are all feeling the fear of the shrinking economy, doesn't mean that we have to do something, which may even harm the entire effort. Waiting for the right moment is better than doing wrong things at the wrong time and failing.


    06-13 04:15 PM
    I apologize for being rude earlier to Senthil. That was perhaps out of line.
    What annoys me is the misconception many have regarding hiring a non-American, and what annoys me further is the fact that many H1Bs fall for the same facile arguments made by you-know-who.
    Fact is, if we define displacement as "not hiring", then ANY hiring is, by definition, a displacement of one who is not hired.
    For example: Say Jane is hired for X dollars per year, because John, who is equally qualified is not interested in working at that salary. Can John claim he was displaced by someone willing to work at a lower salary? Of course he can. But here is the deal: No matter how high you peg $ X (Say 120K), or how unique Jane is (Say Jane is the only person the company could find). Now keep increasing X, and at some point a John will walk in through the door since the money is good.
    Bottom line? You may think you are not displacing anyone, but you ARE unless you are the only person on the planet who can do that job. For every Jane, one can find a disgruntled John. It makes not one jot of difference if you are American or Ethiopian. The Jane/John example I gave stands regardless.

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