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graphs on global warming

images Global Warming) graphs on global warming. With the two graphs
  • With the two graphs

  • dtekkedil
    07-16 06:18 PM
    Lets come up with some suggestions to counter-attack these false propoganda. Few thoughts??
    1. Will gandhigiri work with them? Not just sending flowers but using other Gandhi ways as well.
    2. Should core post some article on the home page.."Top 10 Myths About Employment Based Immigration" and include tax as one of the myths.
    Reason, i'm saying this is that in my company there are several americans who think that way even though they are ok with immigration. They think that we do not pay any tax here.
    3. Educate numberusa and other anti-immigration people about. I know we might not be able to educate the core people over their but we might be able to educate other member joining there.

    Any other thoughts?..

    The only way to counter this is to fax the senators and reps stating the "real" facts!

    wallpaper With the two graphs graphs on global warming. is causing global warming.
  • is causing global warming.

  • rajmehrotra
    09-11 10:56 AM

    "In a move to fix America�s broken immigration system, the House Subcommittee on Immigration approved H.R. 5882, a bipartisan legislation introduced by Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)."

    graphs on global warming. Global Temp + CO2 graph.
  • Global Temp + CO2 graph.

  • ItIsNotFunny
    11-11 06:03 PM
    Almost all my personal friends I spoke to recently who did not want to help with IV stuff, now proudly claim "As Obama has become the president, he will do something for us to get the green card"

    The hope continues :)

    People come on IV only to blame IV and admins for all the problems in their lives, but when asked to help for IV stuff - they give red dots and leave bad comments

    There will always be 2 types of people. Lets see and concentrate on people who are positive and move ahead.

    2011 is causing global warming. graphs on global warming. Global Warming. Graph. by Uwe
  • Global Warming. Graph. by Uwe

  • perm2gc
    01-18 03:33 PM
    Content, content updated. Please verify and let me know.
    Thank You


    graphs on global warming. global warming, cf. graph
  • global warming, cf. graph

  • gcseeker2002
    12-28 02:49 PM
    I had similar problem with United last year. I was flying thruogh Malaysian airlines and United charged me for extra 20 LBs. But it was checked in till India.
    Delta is more helpful that way, one of my friends family had separate tickets on Delta and Malaysian, but the delta checkin guy checked in for both flights upto India, and even allowed the 70lbs on the delta part of the flight.

    graphs on global warming. to do with global warming.
  • to do with global warming.

  • imh1b
    03-12 02:47 PM
    Kumar123 is either a woman in late 30s not able to get married and thus so bitchy. Or a man who is frustrated in life, dominated by his woman and so taking it out on IV.:D:D

    Chill man. !
    At least you are EB2. Think about people in EB3.


    graphs on global warming. Global Warming!
  • Global Warming!

  • WillIBLucky
    01-18 11:04 AM
    Yes, a PM would also work even if the mail is bounced. You can make it a point you send these PM only to those who are contributing or have been contributing in the past. That way we can avoid any spies in IV.
    If the bill will come up in Feb, behind the scene work must have started or will start after the first 100 hours plan (which should end soon).

    Please send PM to these members. It is better then bounced email.

    2010 Global Temp + CO2 graph. graphs on global warming. Global Warming)
  • Global Warming)

  • abhijitp
    03-17 06:52 PM
    Bumping up!


    graphs on global warming. The Giant Global Warming
  • The Giant Global Warming

  • ImmiLosers
    11-22 07:41 PM
    Document URL

    PAGE 27
    (1) Determining the Priority Date.
    In general, if a petition is supported by an individual labor certification issued by DOL, the priority date is the earliest date upon which the labor certification application was filed with DOL. In those cases where the alien�s priority date is established by the filing of the labor certification, once the alien�s Form I-140 petition has been approved, the alien beneficiary retains his or her priority date as established by the filing of the labor certification for any future Form I-140 petitions, unless the previously approved Form I-140 petition has been revoked because of fraud or willful misrepresentation. This includes cases where a change of employer has occurred; however, the new employer must obtain a new labor certification if the classification requested requires a labor certification (see the section on successor in interest).

    PAGE 28
    If an alien is the beneficiary of two (or more) approved employment-based immigrant visa petitions, the priority of the earlier petition may be applied to all subsequently-filed employment-based petitions. For example:
    Company A files a labor certification request on behalf of an alien ("Joe") as a janitor on January 10, 2003. The DOL issues the certification on March 20, 2003. Company A later files, and USCIS approves, a relating I-140 visa petition under the EB-3 category. On July 15, 2003, Joe files a second I-140 visa petition in his own behalf as a rocket scientist under the EB-1 category, which USCIS approves. Joe is entitled to use the January 10, 2003, priority date to apply for adjustment under either the EB-1 or the EB-3 classification:)

    It looks like law is not clear about revocation of I-140 or am I missing something

    hair Global Warming. Graph. by Uwe graphs on global warming. song chart memes global
  • song chart memes global

  • bigboy007
    06-10 08:43 PM
    I disagree that it effects EB Community for EAD holders. COming on to options if the amendment stands it might take the form of TARP - God Forbid. Everyone of us predicted Financial industry has so much clout etc.. but those days are gone. I think US companies have decided to bend to laws and find ways to overcome them.

    Reg. Options : we are here to earn bread. Just FYI for countries like Canada they have already closed gates. for Ppl who already have PR's over there life is not easy as "is" here right now in getting jobs. Moving the all operations to different country is only possible for companies like Microsoft. not all. btw no one will hire undocumented.

    So we need to really motivate ourselves and friends against this headless draft version. This is not first time it came in to light everytime there was a immigration issue it used to come on top. But it failed as climate was cordial for immigrants or economy was good. Things have changed far far beyond in 2008 and TARP bill restrictions is one example where companies decided not to hire H1B at all (mostly) even it applies to TARP recipients.

    My thoughts.


    Don't fire up on my comments given below.

    I agree that ALL of us irrespective of EB category will be impacted if this proposed bill becomes a law.
    Just step back and think for a minute, what is the impact on the US companies due to inability of his bright workers to continue working in US? Will US businesses sit tight without raising any concerns? No way...
    This is just an eyewash to get political mileage. No matter what degree of love-hate relationship exists between voters and politicians. Certainly, political power cannot, and never will, have a brazen bill such as this, that will hurt American economy more than anything.
    Let's assume for a moment that hypothetically this becomes law...
    What will we do? Some of common options:
    - Move to immigrant friendly country, OR
    - Return to mother land, OR
    - Company will move its operation, and you, to continue its operations, OR
    - look at alternate legal ways to stay in this country until situation changes, OR
    - Become undocumented alien :D

    Guys, we still have options but US of A has too much at stake to make this text into a law.

    Please don't get me wrong, I am in the same boat as all of you. It's just my 2 cents.



    graphs on global warming. From Global Warming Art
  • From Global Warming Art

  • NKR
    09-05 04:07 PM
    chandu,its not same all the time as i believe in the candidate potential then the experience..i have seen so many case in my past 5 yrs of experience that a Guy who has 8yrs of experience failed to impress the hiring manager and technical lead in an personal interview where as a fresh graduate from well know university cracked the same interview a got the project� IT is the place where we all have to learn new thing every day...experience only matters how the a person approaching to get the things done...it all depends on how each individual is capable of job get done..this is what i belive in...no offence to any one.

    I think it is more than that. A guy with lots of experience unless he is looking for a job that suits his experience will not get a job for which he will be over qualified.

    An experience guy might find it difficult to answer questions like �what is operator precedence?� at first, cause he has moved from there to advanced levels, but a guy straight out of college can perform better in the interview and get the job.

    Also remember for just a techie job, a middle aged (or older) guy will be a liability on the company as that can change the dynamics of medical insurances and other benefits for himself and his family. The company would rather take in a less experienced person and spend less, the company will not tell that for legal reasons but that is an unwritten rule that they will follow.

    hot global warming, cf. graph graphs on global warming. effects on global warming,
  • effects on global warming,

  • sheela
    10-18 06:54 PM
    I posted a suggestin on here, and some genius gave me a red. Well I quiet don't understand the purpose of red or green? Does green mean we will get more money or faster GC?

    Well to all my iv friends, we all have the right to give suggestions, so lets not critique each other when we disagree, we really need to be joint and motivated to work for our rights.

    Look at this,


    Immigrants in Eu are fighting for their rights, what are we doing?
    Some smart guy gave me red for the suggestion I made earlier, my friend if it makes you happy to critique me, then critique me more. I can understand your frustration and pain. Instead of challenging that towards each other, lets all use it in a focused manner for something more constructive.

    Don't worry, I gave you green. I wish 'critiques' are out in open for discussion to get to our objective. But those moroons like hiding


    house gallup global warming graphs on global warming. to global warming.
  • to global warming.

  • dhesha
    07-18 10:18 PM
    called uscis to ask when july 2 filers are likely to get receipt notice.She said because of the load of apps expected it might take about 4 to 6 wks.I hope july 2 filers don t have to pay huge penalty for filing on the very ifirst eligible day:( (something to worry about till this journey ends i guess):(

    this 4 to 6 weeks is from 2nd July or 17 July?

    tattoo to do with global warming. graphs on global warming. graphs on global warming.
  • graphs on global warming.

  • msadiqali
    09-14 04:13 PM
    what is EVL?

    I also got an RFE asking for my employer letter. I moved to IL from CA.

    I got the letter from employer and submitted to USCIS... waiting for answer..


    pictures Global Warming! graphs on global warming. This graph from NOAA shows
  • This graph from NOAA shows

  • yabadaba
    03-05 03:52 PM
    going back to the poll. its really interesting to see that the percentages have remained in the ballpark since the poll started.

    around 50+% of us will buy a house if ead cap is eliminated or we get gcs

    around 35% have already taken the plunge

    around 5% will never buy a house.

    dresses effects on global warming, graphs on global warming. events and global warming.
  • events and global warming.

  • baleraosreedhar
    08-11 01:32 PM
    Please count me also for contribution for making EB3 life easy and to reassure a HOPE of reaching end of tunnel


    makeup The Giant Global Warming graphs on global warming. gallup global warming
  • gallup global warming

  • acecupid
    07-13 11:09 AM
    Was she sleeping all this while. Why did it take her 2 weeks to respond to the events that occured ? Looks like everyone wants a piggy back ride.:D

    We know your selfish intentions !!:eek:

    girlfriend graphs on global warming. graphs on global warming. cause of global warming,
  • cause of global warming,

  • yabadaba
    07-13 05:13 AM
    yep ..thats what shes done/trying to do..claim credit for her "hard hitting" letter.

    hairstyles From Global Warming Art graphs on global warming. File:Pirate Global Warming
  • File:Pirate Global Warming

  • nandakumar
    10-22 05:37 PM
    I faxed the FOIA request.

    07-24 11:15 AM
    The early the 485 filing , the early you are from your citizen ship date?

    11-10 09:18 PM
    Pappu, Aman et all...

    Let push it... this is too uch for too long !!!!

    Let us have a call on this. This is high time, we do something to mobilize guys for some common cause.

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