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baby lion cubs playing

images Above aby white old, baby lion cubs playing. these aby lion using cute
  • these aby lion using cute

  • vidyakulkarni
    02-01 02:21 PM
    If I use my AP , what documents I need to carry? original 485 reciept? my original receipt is with lawer, he send me photocopy.

    wallpaper these aby lion using cute baby lion cubs playing. White lion babies Niza (L) and
  • White lion babies Niza (L) and

  • chanduv23
    05-12 11:11 AM
    I ran across this article in one of the websites and read through all the links. I think, there is a strong message in this case, something I have personally faced in the past and do still face at at a smaller level. Though it is not an attempt to help raise money for her. Do please go through those news articles.
    Moderators can delete this thread if it is not relevant.

    [B]Neelima is a native of AndhraPradesh, and most of you know about her racial discrimination and harassment law suit and her fight against injustice (below are the links for details) in US. On March 26 her case is going to trial in Dallas Federal Court.The legal battle has changed their life completely – financially and emotionally. The harassments, threats, slurs and retaliation that she faced at Caremark left her with no option but to file a discrimination lawsuit against the company. Because of the extreme harassment, she was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder resulting in her husband quitting his job to take care of her and their two small kids. Their American dream was shattered, they exhausted their savings, sold their house and car just to bear expenses and survive. With no health insurance her medical bills piled up as a result of the hospitalizations, expensive medications and treatments. Despite all these setbacks, she intends to keep the battle alive and keep fighting for a just cause.

    Her fight is not against America or Americans, it’s against injustice. She is fighting for the dignity and the rights of every one of us.

    http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/GL14Df02.html http://www.rediff.com/money/2005/dec/15guest.htm http://www.ciol.com/content/news/2005/105120504.asp

    baby lion cubs playing. Lion Cub Coloring Pages. Baby
  • Lion Cub Coloring Pages. Baby

    08-27 10:45 PM
    Expectation is itself on July 2nd courier based Apps were around 20000+ but ofcourse after 2nd the no. of applications significantly reduced hope for the best

    I am on the same boat, my application was also received 9:01 AM Fedex signed by R.Mickels. I am not sure what the hell is goin on..it's all messed up..:mad:

    2011 White lion babies Niza (L) and baby lion cubs playing. Slideshow Send a postcard
  • Slideshow Send a postcard

  • thomachan72
    04-06 04:23 PM
    If I could hire IV by paying some money and then forget about it, i would do that. However, as far as I know, IV core is composed of regular folks who are also on visas and therefore can only work during their spare time/vaccation time. I know every one of us is impatient with this EB process, but the reality is our movment is not big/strong enough. Most of us once we get hold of the Green card (is it really green color??) completely forget that we were once part of an everlasting que with so many desperate people.
    This is the main difference between EB community and the ilegals. Ilegals are united by a lot of factors and even their legal relatives dont think twice before struggling/fighting for them. How many of our dear Indian/chinese friends (who are citizens of this nation) will stand up for us??? Even though many came here and strugled to obtain the EB green card, now we are alien to them!!!
    Consider the ilegal people:-
    theoratically, they are not supposed to have any voice in this nation simply because they are ilegals and hiding from the law. How come then that they are able to have such a huge protest march?? because most of the people who protested for them and stand up for them are legals
    We will be 100 times more successful if the major indian associations/chinese associations or other country associations raise the voice for us. They should "BECOME HUMAN BEINGS ONCE AGAIN" and feel for us. We should remind them once again of the strange and long path many of them went through to get the GC.
    IV??? my friends IV core member is a person of leadership quality for sure, but he/she is just in the same unstable boat as me and you.


    baby lion cubs playing. Mala Mala Game Reserve
  • Mala Mala Game Reserve

  • snathan
    08-10 10:37 PM
    Dont know if is authentic

    Pederson Immigration Law Group, P.C. - Priority Dates Progress - September Visa Bulletin Announced! (http://www.usvisainfo.com/content/view/166/1/)

    But the DOS/USCIS bulletin still shows only the Aug dates

    baby lion cubs playing. MEET LION CUB, ONE OF THE

  • gcisadawg
    01-21 11:41 PM
    I agree with most of the posts here ..there have been lot of ideas but everyone needs to be more serious ...IV core has to come up with a new campaign. ultimately the question is do we wait for something to happen or do we try for make things happen ..
    "my idea was to come up with a letter campaign Thanking USCIS for the massive delays and wastage of visas which has prevented many hard working immigrants from buying a house at peak values"
    it does not matter if you are a homeowner or not ..just participate (USCIS is not going to double check) ..there will be awareness that USCIS is broken just like Brown's FEMA (the person who was in charge during katrina fiasco)...and maybe USCIS will come out with facts. ofcourse some backlash is to be expected since we waited for too long and now we are in recession !! (also Obama is not going to do anything on his own so soon as he has major major problems to solve first)
    ofcourse Core has to endorse such a campaign ..if someone has better idea ..please share ..don't be an idiot and offer only criticism to other people's idea unless u have something better !!
    at the very least ..let us think and maybe everyone should come up with ideas ..and in the end let us have a poll and choose one campaign idea and go with it ..needless to say at the same time ..every member should try to spread word about the campaign and get atleast 5 new IV members (just like Amway networking)


    I agree with your idea. But time might not be ripe. I'm not sure how we can get attention for legal immigration when the economy is so bad. This is like a downtime. We can use this time to strengthen IV as an organization. We need to prepare for war (activism) when there is peace (downtime). I agree with Pappu, we need to spread the word of IV as much as possible. I've to go beyond my friend's circle as most of them have a GC in hand! :D



    baby lion cubs playing. and takes small, aby lion
  • and takes small, aby lion

  • rtarar
    09-28 11:34 AM
    Situation : Travel in Oct for school(MBA)

    Applied online : 21 July 2010
    Center: TSC
    No updates till sept 14th.
    Got cencerned and on sept 14th called TSC created SR for non receipt of biometric appointment letter.(Only legal reason to complain as application is still under 90 days of application)
    LUD on Sept 20th.
    Called sept 27th afternoon again and told that notice as to how the SR will be processed. The processing time for SR was mentioned to be 60 days.:eek: Created an expedite request reason citing "sever financial loss to individual".
    sept 27th 7:35 PM received approval emails for AP for spouse and self.:confused:

    In short WTF?:mad: ... but eventually :D till next year around.

    2010 Lion Cub Coloring Pages. Baby baby lion cubs playing. Above aby white old,
  • Above aby white old,

  • mpadapa
    10-11 10:56 AM
    count me in. "Will try" -> Yes
    8+1= 9 (yes)

    come on folks join in


    baby lion cubs playing. Zoo Atlanta#39;s lion cubs will
  • Zoo Atlanta#39;s lion cubs will

  • ASR
    05-21 06:01 PM
    I agree. My I140 also got approved. See my signature for details.

    looks like you just missed in june cutoff dates

    hair Slideshow Send a postcard baby lion cubs playing. cubs playing, aby lion
  • cubs playing, aby lion

  • ujjvalkoul
    05-12 11:15 AM
    Us legals do not have enough numbers (we r like 2% of illegals) nor do we have a political clout like "illegals" here...I am sure that if comes to economics 330K of legals may be equally worth in dollars as 12 million illegals but since there is no way to track illegals, we get teh axe....IF this bill does not alleviate our position...we should plan a major "A Day/month without the legal immigrant " kind of a rally and go on a months vacation....see how that effects the US economy


    baby lion cubs playing. Baby Lion
  • Baby Lion

  • thamizhan
    07-20 10:29 PM
    Guys...please spread the word to members (if you know) to kindly vote here if they have files in Nebraska Service center....this will help up to estimate the count (approx).

    hot Mala Mala Game Reserve baby lion cubs playing. Planet - Lion With Cub
  • Planet - Lion With Cub

  • manderson
    10-24 10:24 AM

    first of all congrats. but i have a question.

    you said you are EB3 ROW (Bangladesh) but you applied your I-485 on June 29, 2007 with a Priority Date of Feb 06.

    But on June 2007 (just before the VB fiasco) the Visa Bulletin for EB3 ROW was caught up to June 05 (http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_3236.html). But your EB3 ROW PD is Feb 06. So how is that possible?

    Only EB2 ROW is current. Are you sure you are not EB2? You can confirm this by looking at your 140 notice. Otherwise you must have sent out your application June 29 (Fri) in the hope of reaching USCIS by July 1 or 2 (Sun or Mon). That's the only way I could make sense of this.

    Either way man, your stars must all lined up or something man. You are indeed very lucky.

    the reason I am pestering you is becoz I too am EB3 ROW with PD of Mar 06 and I filed on Aug with an approved 140. I am now kicking myself for not mailing out June 29 Fri.


    house we saw the cubs playing on baby lion cubs playing. A boy plays with a lion cub at
  • A boy plays with a lion cub at

  • pappu
    04-10 11:54 PM
    Folks, IV is a platform to come and work on the common goal. Come join us and help out. Be an active volunteer and work on daily basis with us to solve the problem and make IV better. We need more real workers on the ground than strategy advisers, critics and Management consultants.

    Enough said. Actions will speak louder than words and you need to get involved to tell us your ideas. If you are interested to actively participate send us an email (info at immigrationvoice.org) with your valid email address with your name, phone number and what you would like to do to help IV. We will welcome your active participation and assign you leadership roles if you want.

    The thread is closed.

    tattoo MEET LION CUB, ONE OF THE baby lion cubs playing. Mara, kenya vibrant lion
  • Mara, kenya vibrant lion

  • sachuin23
    04-20 10:13 AM
    Another key Republican calls for H-1B cap hike - Computerworld (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9215970/Another_key_Republican_calls_for_H_1B_cap_hike)

    I think there is a need to educate politicians that the problem is not H1B but GC backlogs. As per USCIS only 7100 H1B's have been utilized so far for FY 2012. Unless they provide clear and time bound path to Permanent Residence, positive economic contributions from high skilled immigrants would be minimal.


    pictures and takes small, aby lion baby lion cubs playing. Baby Lion Cubs by Evette Lisle
  • Baby Lion Cubs by Evette Lisle

  • PavanV
    08-18 05:10 PM
    This my personal take on it, I want a GC, i have been in this country for the past 8 years, landed in 2001 finished my masters and have been employed since then. Life is good here, well thats what i think, sometimes better than home (i still call, because i was born there), i am not dissatisfied with the money i am making, although i think i get underpaid (i work in southern calif as permanent employee).
    I came to this country so that i can survive in life, i.e. too much competition in India which means you need to really work hard to keep up with the competition (i am really lazy :D) , now with the fight for GC and all, added with the daily stress and chores, i am really thinking is the effort worth the reward, i keep getting this thoughts, i mean i am the only one with the thought that the effort/patience/sacrifice is not equal to the result ?.
    I really wonder if all this is worth it, the stress is just too much. Reading other's stories makes me laud their patience, i know my struggle has just started, kudos to others who are still holding on :)

    dresses Planet - Lion With Cub baby lion cubs playing. aires White+aby+lion+cubs
  • aires White+aby+lion+cubs

  • ivgclive
    10-19 06:21 PM

    Is it possible to apply for both PIO and Indian visa simultaneously. My problem is that my son born in US has to go to India in 60days. If I apply for PIO and if it will not come in 4 weeks is it possible to apply for Indian visa and then go to India on Indian visa ?

    Thanks !

    You can do that, if you are applying in Indian Consulates and not in Embassy in Washington DC.

    1. Washington DC still requires ORIGINAL US PASSPORT (At least, they make it clear)

    2. New York : Existing (valid) passport in original, along with a photocopy (Skeptical)

    3. San Francisco : Existing valid passport in original, along with a photocopy (In the application form, it says for minors, send Photocopy of US Passport) (Still skeptical)

    4. Chicago : The copies of first two and last two pages of foreign passport should be enclosed. (Nothing skeptical as in New York)

    5. Houston : A notarised copy each of his/her birth certificate , his/her parent's latest Indian passports (either expired or not yet expired ) and his/her current US/Foreign passport and a copy of the parent's valid passport. (Guess nothing is skeptical)

    Bottom line, for a US born minor, with the birth certificate + copy of US passport (notarized) are enough to give a PIO card. But the above offices of same agency follow different rules.


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  • we saw the cubs playing on

  • mdubbaka
    03-09 06:09 PM
    Subscribed for 25$ monthly donation.

    girlfriend Mara, kenya vibrant lion baby lion cubs playing. aby lion cubs playing,
  • aby lion cubs playing,

  • bindas74
    03-18 04:13 PM
    I am following from the start of the original post. This was a post by a new member who appears to create rift among the EB2 or EB3. The reason I believe is he just want to incite in such a way that few other folks will respond and keep the thread floating. Later few other posts by himself were created with different ids. just observe the trend and you will notice it.

    So folks dont respond any more and this rift creation will die down.

    I hope the admins keep this thread open and not kill it. I am not sure what the intentions of the OP ( some of you claimed that he wants to create a rift ), but this is definitely a valid concern for all the EB3(I) guys. This is a natural reaction to the frustrations of EB3(I) guys just like the mass upheaval during the July 2007 VB fiasco. Since it was across the board, there were no differences. Now since this involves only EB3(I), there is not much support from IV or others. But in my opinion, this is as much unfair as the Julay VB fiasco.
    Some of the EB2(I) guys are worried that their GC dreams would get delayed if there is any Admin fix for EB3(I). For all those individuals in EB2(I) who want to oppose any kind of admin fix for EB3(I), I just want you to think about it. Is it really fair? There are individuals in EB3(I) waiting since 2001 - a total of 8+ years. Don't get me wrong - but some of the EB2(I) guys who have applied as late as 2006 and 2007 are expecting/hoping to get their GC this year if there is a spillover. And I think these are the individuals ( not all of the EB2 guys though ) who are opposing any kind of admin fix ( please dont yell at me or curse me etc...if you are not one among those mentioned, then please dont worry..this is not about you::) Ofcourse i would like each one of us to get GC as soon as possible) to EB3(I).
    And I dont see why there will be a rift between EB2 and EB3 if each of us follows net etiquette in positng responses. Let's do some constuctive brainstoming - without getting into perosnal attacks or getting too emotional. Let's do what is right and not what each one of us thinks is right. Then I guess there wont be any rifts. The only thing I am asking is to get EB3(I) to advnace a little bit. I am not asking for it be on par with EB2(I). I hope some of you see a point in my frustration::))
    Do you really want EB2(I) to advance to 2005/2006 while EB3(I) guys are still languishing in 2001? That's totally unfair in my opinion. I know this world is not fair but how can anyone else try to divide us if we all stand united? And to stand united, EB2 guys should be willing to support any initiative to help EB3(I) move from stone ages::))
    ( I am getting ready with my body armour for all the brickbats various people are going to throw at me::))


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  • stock photo : Baby Lion Cub

  • pappu
    02-23 10:03 AM
    Please provide the email address/new thread where we can write the articles. Perhaps the admins can review all the articles submitted, and then choose some of the articles which they think are worthy, and other users can then try to post their comments. Last, the admins can edit the article based on those suggestions.
    write articles and post them on this thread

    05-21 01:03 PM
    I don't know about that...is it true that i can get interim EAD after 90 days???

    cant you get an interim EAD after 90 days...

    07-24 10:43 AM

    I applied in Feb 2006..My H1 Expired in Dec 2006. Canada ppl came back saying H1 should be valid for at least 1 year.

    Now when I get my H extension and reapply - can I use the same Police clearance from Indian Embassy and FBI that was sent in Feb 2006?

    ANy clues?

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