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  • ankur6ue
    10-12 10:41 AM
    I used the subject line: US immigration system: problems faced by legal immigrants

    thanks for taking the lead on this issue.

    wallpaper 2012 Audi S8 Spyshot audi s8 2011. Audi#39;s new 2011 A8 flagship
  • Audi#39;s new 2011 A8 flagship

  • virtual55
    01-24 12:11 PM
    01/24/2006: Senate May Table Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bills As Early As February 2, Thursday

    Unconfirmed sources indicate that the Senate may table this bill earlier than expected. Since there is the nightmarish Sensenbrenner border protection bill that will come up with the comprehensive immigration reform legislation, it appears that the pro-immigration forces may have to energize their forces and start working on the critical immigration legislation.

    courtesy: www.immigration-law.com

    audi s8 2011. Audi S8
  • Audi S8

  • gc28262
    09-23 10:27 AM
    Made another round of calls !

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  • 2011 Audi S8 – Click above for

  • vin13
    01-14 12:37 PM
    `Sec. 245B. (a) In General- The Secretary of Homeland Security may adjust the status of an alien to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the alien--

    `(1) was physically present in the United States for a continuous period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the date on which this provision was enacted and has maintained continuous physical presence since then.

    This if i am reading and understanding right may not be too bad. Let me kow if i am missing anything......


    audi s8 2011. Upcoming 2011 Audi S8 Preview
  • Upcoming 2011 Audi S8 Preview

  • sanju_dba
    02-19 05:09 PM
    I did refered earlier in this forum ,about www.givemeinsurance.com , a desi agent deals with Farmers Insurance in Texas only.
    I got mine and my wife insurance with him for $15 a month covering 250K Term Life insurance ( We are on H1 )
    Check for any Farmers agents in your area.

    Good luck.

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  • 21stIcon
    02-19 01:06 PM
    Have you ever checked your balance? . Please go through insurance documents you would discover the truth. let me know after checking your balance how much you have in account/how much you paid.



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  • Upcoming 2011 Audi A7 Preview

  • cygent
    07-18 01:15 AM
    Let everyone know if and when you get any response.

    Yes, I will definitely let you guys know! I had noted this point in the 1st post!

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  • lazycis
    12-31 02:24 PM
    Thats just too much bull for one day. Just when I thought that it was enough for 2008, you drop this bomb called "God's protection over this land" and made me read those illogical ideas. So this is what I have to say -

    Can you prove the existance of God? Who is God? Where does he/she live?

    I find your ideas illogical, but I respect your opinion. Those who seek God will find Him.

    If you deny facts, however, the facts do not change because of your opinion. People once believed that the Earth is flat.
    You cannot deny that the American nation was found by those who where seeking religious freedom. Also read biographies of G. Washington, A. Lincoln, J. Adams and other founding fathers. They were sincere believers. I cannot explain America's greatness by simple luck. The founding fathers started builidng from scratch about 300 hundred years ago, far behind Europe and Asia. Now the US is the richest country in the world, despite the fact that it's neither the biggest nor the most populous.

    As for your questions, I cannot prove that God exist, just like you cannot prove that He does not. Either way, it's a belief. I chose to believe in God.
    God is the omnipresent, omni powerful spirit who fills the universe. If you want to know more, just ask.


    audi s8 2011. 2007 Audi S8
  • 2007 Audi S8

  • dionysus
    01-04 05:33 PM
    Really a revolutionary idea. I like the idea of redrawing middle east map. It is over due now.

    While talking about rederawing of boundarie, there is another interesting proposal doing the rounds in the global political discourses. This one is not a prediction, but a proposal to redraw the boundaries of the middle east. The idea was initially proposed by someone called Ralph Peters in the Armed Forces Journal in an article titled "Blood Borders" .

    The core idea behind the proposal is that the state boundaries of middle east are unnatural, and it has given rise to artificial, nonviable and oppressive states. The only way to permanently solve the problems of islamic terrorism is to redraw the boundaries of the entire region.

    The idea has been floating around on the Internet for a couple of years now. No wonder, the nationalities set to benefit from this proposal (Baluchis, Pakhtuns, Kurds, Shia Arabs etc) are enthusiastically rooting for it, while the ruling elites of the so called artificial states like Pakistan and Sunni Iraqis are adamantly against it. Nevertheless, it is an interesting read.

    I am posting the links to the original article, as well the some sites which displays the altered map of middle east. For more information, the curious can do a google search for "Blood borders" phrase.


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  • wellwishergc
    02-24 12:50 PM
    I contributed some additional amount.. Keep up the good work!!!

    Thank you!

    The main goal of IV is to bring an end to labor processing delay in the backlog center and I-485 retrogression. We have consistently mentioned this in all possible forums. This has been clearly mentioned on home page. And if there is anybody who has any doubt, we would request you to please call us at (281) 576-7185.

    I am beginning to realize that for some people who do not want to contribute, there will always be plenty of reasons and plenty of excuses not to participate & contribute. I think these people are the ones who are actually responsible for the problems of all of us. Our problems do not originate in the slow GC process or the existing bad legislation. Our problems originate due to the people who are always looking for reasons to not participate or do anything or these people who are always looking for reasons to feel offended. And these people are sure doing a wonderful job because there will always be plenty of reasons to feel offended or not feel part of the group or not find enough motivation to feel part of the bigger community.

    Asking questions or requesting a specific item in the goals is one thing. People beating the drum of transparency �. That is no big deal either. Everybody is entitled for their opinion. But people watching from the sidelines or for the people who want to include agenda as Goals of the IV or for the people putting conditions to their contributions, here is what I have to say to you. I would sincerely request you to never visit Immigration Voice or any other immigration related forum or website. You guys are the real problem because you are the once helping to foster the current system by not participating in brining the change. At the end of the day, know that you are the real culprits not the system which will be shaped by the contribution of each of us.

    In last 2 weeks the contributions has really come down drastically. Everybody please note that we are running very low on the funds collection. All of us have two choices. One, contribute for this cause generously and lead the friends and acquaintances by example and tell them to do the same. Secondly, find reasons to not participate or not to contribute due to this, that or whatever �. The choice is entirely yours. But with your choice also understand whether you are being part of the solution or part of the problem. And whatever you do (including posting negative messages), I would sincerely request everybody to ask yourself one question, whether you (or your post) are strengthening or weakening this effort.

    I would like to request all the members who have not yet contributed to please contribute generously. Please put your money where your mouth is. This effort or any similar effort for that matter cannot do much without the necessary funds that only come in the form of contributions from its members. And for those of us who have already contributed in the past, its time to please contribute more and help to fuel this effort.

    This is not just about the life of the people who started this effort or the core/active members who have taken the initiative and responsibility. This is about all of us whether or not you feel part of it or not. It doesn�t make any difference how you feel about the situation or state of affairs. Why? Because this will be over very soon. And for the people who want to continue to ponder over this idea of whether or not they have a sense of belonging to IV, I would sincerely request you to please understand and know that by any contribution to this effort, you are strengthening your own voices. Know that this is not about anybody else but you.


    audi s8 2011. New Audi S8 2011.
  • New Audi S8 2011.

  • new_horizon
    09-23 10:46 AM
    I just called all of them, including the not favoring congressman/women (cm/cw)

    to those not favoring, I told I understand the cm/cw does not support the bill HR5882, but I would like to share few points that might help him/her reconsider their decision.
    I then told about us not taking away any jobs since we already been employed for several years, and the bill if not approved we'll still continue to be employed in our current status. But on the positive side, if the bill is approved we'll greatly benefit the economy esp. the housing industry since several hundreds of applicants are ready to buy their house. and about us having paid taxes, and being a great consumer, etc.
    and then I told I would really like the cm/cw to reconsider her/his decision and to support the bill which is up for markup today.


    I hope this helps others with some talking points.

    Could someone point out who are the ones supporting the bills, so we only call them to thank them for supporting the bill. I called one cm's office, after going thru all the talking points, he told me that the cm already supports the bill. I then said sorry, and asked him to convey my thanks to the cm. I don't remember who that was 'coz I was really in a hurry to call of them in the short break I took at work.

    so pls everyone CALL before it is too late.

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  • alterego
    10-05 09:25 PM
    Hey guys, Our collective voices worked.
    We got a partial correction on their on line article at the bottom which was just added after our e mails started hitting their inboxes. It is good that they realised their error. A pity it did not make it into their print edition.

    See at the bottom under Amplification.



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  • sunny1000
    07-06 03:13 PM
    Yes. everyone must read those posts before they start giving their expert opinion for or against something.

    Can someone post the link for the above posts by the core members?


    tattoo 2011 Audi A8 – Click above for audi s8 2011. plans for an S8 for 2011.
  • plans for an S8 for 2011.

  • nixstor
    07-14 11:54 AM
    While some members might have jumped too hard on the whole thing, Some stuff goes unanswered.

    1) Why has not USINPAC endorsed IV all this while on their website? Does not USINPAC know any thing about IV?

    2) While I understand the importance of fund raisers for politicians, why USINPAC has not involved US citizens of American origin to contribute to the cause? What about grass roots efforts?

    3) I dont have the exact statistics, but I am positive that every one out of 2/3 Indians living in the US is plagued by this problem of GC. How come Orgs like USINPAC are not pushing this by all means?

    Forget the media mishap and the outrage of some members, if USINPAC really considers Immigration of Highly skilled Indians, they should be doing some thing. I personally am neither defending the outrage of some members nor appreciating it, but most of the Indian American citizen community does not want to be in sync with the plight of Indians immigrating to US.There are various reasons. Most important one as I have seen, Many in the Indian American citizen / Indian Permanent Resident community run consulting companies and they would hate to see these guys slip away from their hands by getting GC's. Fcuk, its like the damn door closes right behind you. I am positive most of those shops will come down to earth if Indian citzens start getting their GC's. May be its time, the Indian American Citizens/ Indian PR's ask themselves, what they really want. I have been to some Indian regional association meetings and the big guys or folks from my generation ahead would love to see their kids get married to an Indian or would love to see their kids grow with the rich heritage, but damn it, they just want it to happen with out doing any thing.


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  • 2011 Audi S8 by playaplaya

  • pcs
    04-03 12:36 PM
    I know, you guys are all over it & can not disclose everything. However in order to keep team moral high please do confirm that Hard CAP & I-485 filing in very much ON.

    I know you guys are on it but for the sake of emotional confort, please mention it once again


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  • rameshvaid
    03-15 10:36 PM

    What are you going to do with my info? run queries on state criminal record database??
    or do u have access to database that IO's use??

    You have to agree that either of us have the facts to prove the other is wrong. If you have, then Fed's are looking for you :D

    Is not paying a traffic ticket is state or federal record? If it is state, jut get a ticket do not pay it and just for the sake of it after 2 months go to Canada or Maxioco and try to come in. This will answer your own question when you re-enter..Wake up.. some has not to fax the entire case to feds.. this just automatic.. i m sure u r in IT and know how easy it is to get the records these days.. and no i do not have any access to any systems but everything is a public record if one has any..


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  • gk_2000
    05-06 04:56 PM
    Agree on ur second point, however I was surprised with the context that "ok lets see how much we can buy the MS course and how soon can i finish it" as supposed to it will be great to do MS and lets see how I can further my career with an added benefit of getting C in case of GC process.

    Again just my thoughts.

    I appreciate your thoughts ..

    But here people are openly showing jealousy, hatred, intolerance. So why not add corruption? At least they are not harming/offending anyone else, unlike the other kinds of post'ers.

    Like it or not, however, it is non-sense to ask people with several years in the industry to be put behind fresh graduates, who will be only fit to work under them when they join

    This is why the spillover's should consider the year too, and backlogs have to be cleared for older category, and if both category in same year then priority to preferred category

    But there are so many insanities in the current laws, that if they start counting it's going to take quite a while to get any result, much less to start revamping

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  • seeking_GC
    07-19 01:08 PM
    My lawyer filed my I-485 in Texas (Dallas). It was delivered on July 2nd at 10:33 am.

    Now I am worried if he filed it at the wrong place. I read online that its ok to file at either TSC or NSC till July 30. Is that correct? Can someone please confirm??

    Also will the application now be transferred internally from TSC to NSC???

    Any replies will be appreciated!!!

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  • TheGreatMan
    07-06 02:29 PM
    Its a question.. THIS IS NOT A RUMOR ...

    Are they even filing a lawsuit ?? If they are SO READY, where is the big press release saying USCIS SUED !!!!!!! :cool:

    01-15 02:59 PM
    Here is the news from the Little Rock newpaper. Apparently the criminal shot dead another guy right after this incident http://arkansasmatters.com/content/fulltext/news/?cid=175391

    Thanks for the link. The robber was indeed targeting a particular group/race...Hispanics. And us Indians look like Hispanics in the eye of African-Americans ( and some whites think we are Arabs, that's a whole different story).

    Police also say the suspect in these latest crimes matches the description of a man wanted for a string of robberies apparently targeting Hispanic men in the parking lots of apartment complexes in other parts of west Little Rock.

    10-05 10:12 AM
    Looks like fruits of the rally are beginning to show up. All of a sudden the GOP is extending support for the immigration bill for the highly skilled . The below news articles reflect this news . Looks like the GOP and Dems have finally found common ground on this one .



    GO IV GO .

    Rally Participant ( 2 + 1)
    Regular $ constributor .

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