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  • reddymjm
    10-15 10:23 PM
    You will receive one for your request please post here.

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  • ita
    01-31 06:18 PM
    Thank you very much for the response. I sent you a PM .

    Now do we need to have the pay stubs for all the time to show you are in status or does the W2 amount be sufficient?

    Thank you.

    >> how do we know what our H1 LCA amount is?
    Your employer should provide you a copy of LCA for H1. In addition, your employment letter should mention salary, along with employment terms, and job profile.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • indianindian2006
    07-14 05:52 PM
    PD: Jan 2006
    Category: EB2

    As suggested by many you should talk to a attorney.You are covered by AC21,also on your point of not working with your ex-employer for 180 days again a smart attorney could guide you thru this as sometimes green card can be filed for future employment after the green card is approved.
    Best of luck.

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  • belmontboy
    02-14 02:49 AM
    Donot abuse the word "Ethnic cleansing". Our situation is nowhere close to being called that.

    Whatever is happening right now is Darwin's theory at work - "Survival of the fittest".
    Boom in financials, jobs that were spawned by housing, all needs to be corrected.

    Its going to be one helluva ride, buckle to your seats folks. I hope we emerge strong from all these.

    Good luck and may god bless us all.


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  • new2gc
    06-10 04:07 PM
    Just heard some good news about July VB and in within hours we saw this news... :mad:

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  • Slumdog
    01-16 03:33 PM
    For most of you this country has given everything you ever dreamt of & yes it is only possible in USA in short span of time but I want every member here to ask yourself one question. i.e Do you have peace of mind? I want to share with you half a day of my life as an immigrant here. I guess for some my story is not a big deal & for others they feel they are in my shoes. It�s quite lengthy for half a day story, so please read on if you have patience & time.

    January xx/xx/2009

    It�s 5:10 Am and I had to forcefully get out of my bed after 3 snoozes ( the fact is 4th snooze my wife will kick me out of bed anyways) . While walking out of the bed I was jealous of my wife that she need not get up early & go to work as we recently had a baby & she had to leave the job as she was under contract on EAD & not full time. As soon as I came out of shower I was feeling very fresh , energetic & was already planning my day schedule at work while I was getting ready.

    6:00 AM: I am all dressed up for work & while I am already late for my train & taking quick bites of breakfast , I ran upstairs to my bed room to give a goodbye kiss to my wife & daughter. While kissing my daughter I just wanted to stare at her for some more time but had to leave as I was late. & ran back to garage & started my car & zoooommmmmm. I know the back routes to station & I know police wont catch me even if I am speeding ( I was going 65mph in 30 mph zone ). While I was already half way to station I realized & said to myself NOT AGAIN ( I did not turn off lights in the house & this really pisses of my wife ) I forgot to Switch off in the bath room, upstairs corridor, stiars, main hall, kitchen,. I left lights on literally everywhere including garage except the 3 bed rooms.

    6:20AM : Reached the station, parked the car & while I knew there is only 2 min left before I miss the train , I ran to newspaper walla bought the newspaper & literally ran on escalator & just got in the train & the door closed behind me. I guess this happens atleast 2-3 times a week & hey I think I got used to it.
    Once I am in the train I had relax for 5 min to to take breath from running on escalators & then I read the headlines & said nyah same old stuff which was showed at 9PM news last night & didn�t bother to read any more , I opened up business edition & completed & it was frustrating to see that DOW tumbled gain, forclosure on rise, no hopes for good market in 2009 blah blah blah blah blah & then I closed my eyes & started day dreaming about my daughter, her cute smile & thinking about my upcoming trip to india as it will be the first time I am visiting after my baby was born. Just when I though I was falling into sweet dreams I heard this announcement from train operator � Abhey salla utto , tumahara station aagya, jaakey kuch kaam kar� I will translate this in English for non indians ( good morning ladies & gentlemen you have reached station �xyz� & Thank you for riding with us & we wish to see you again�)

    6:56 Am: As soon as I am out of station the first place I go is starbucks, & get a non fat grande mocha with 2% extra hot no foam with little bit of honey & cinnamon. ( KIDDING , I just take plain regular coffee with room ). The first sip is amazing it feels like first cigg after a bottle of beer & started walking to my office which is very close to station.

    7:00Am: I am in office. Usually it is just me & couple of other guys on the floor at that time. The office was silent & it was open floor plan with flat cubicles & you see the entire floor even if you sit at your desk. Logged into PC & checked my emails & getting prepared for the days work.

    7:10Am: I saw one of the senior manager in office & it is very unusal for him to come so early into the office. While I wished him good morning he didn�t seemed to respond the way he usually does. He then walked up to one of the office colleague in different department next to me & asked him if he could come to his office.

    7:15Am: The guy walks out of the office along with manager with packet in his hand & started packing his stuff right away. I could see that his computer is still logged in & I guess he was not even allowed to log off. The manager stands behind him, occasionally helps him in his packing & walks him out of the door, into the elevator & outside the building. That�s it, my heart started beating heavily, I said to my self �today is the day� . Yes by now you all know what I was talking about !!! LAYOFFS�

    The talks have been going for several days & no one except top senior executives knew who & how many people will be laid off. Everyone I talk to in the company is worried, it did not matter if he was senior, working in company since 10 years, experienced , the best technical guy, the most lovable guy, the CEO�s blue eyed boy, every one & I mean almost everyone is worried about their job. I did not know how I was going to handle even though I was prepared before for the worst. But when the time actually came , it�s different, first time I felt I was weak because of the things below which are going in mind.
    � I bought a house just few months back, although great deal at the time I bought I had to invest 15% down payment & at that time never ever knew that this day would come. I always thought I could resell it but when I contacted my mortgage broker few days back , he told me that market was so slow that I wont be even getting the 15% down payment if I plan to sell now. With most of my hard earned savings in the house I am only left with couple of grand for reserves.
    � The biggest worry I had was 10 days after my daughter was born she was hospitalized for almost a month for complex partial seizures treatment .She has since been in medication & was doing good & slowly outgrowing seizures with occasional episodes. We can�t stop the treatment & thinking of expensive Cobra package & not knowing how many months we will be jobless made me sick.
    � How do I invoke AC21 & how many much should I be paying Lawyers?
    � My upcoming trip to india, we already spend close to 5k for the tickets & cancelling the tickets is impossible due to family reasons. What if I loose a job now & go on trip to india? Can I enter back on Advance parole? What if the port of entry finds out that I lost a job, will be I allowed in when I come back? Will my company cancel current approved I140? & will that lead to I485 cancellations which has been happening recently ??
    � What will happen to my car loans & upcoming car registration, insurance.

    Not that I don�t have any money in reserves but these are very few things I mentioned above that bothered me & list can go on & on. Is it easy pack all the bags & leave everything behind? Yes if you want to & NO if you want to fight, it�s as simple as that & I did not plan to leave. So let�s go back to what happened for the rest of the day & believe me all the above points I mentioned was going in my mind in less than a minute, so now the time is �

    7:16Am: I saw one other manager in the same process in different dept doing the exact same process. Remember, above somewhere I said that it is a open floor plan & everyone can see everything what is happening. Though I am not shaken from outside, inside I feel every inch of it.

    Part II Continuation below.......


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  • sri1309
    02-18 05:48 PM
    The only thing I liked is at the end that says
    "Makes permanent an INA provision allowing adjustment of status of certain aliens for whom family-sponsored or employment-based applications or petitions were filed by a specified date".
    But that doesnt mean we start dreaming again.. Lets put our efforts. I got an email from Obama today (and I am sure may have also go who have previously posted their stories on his site) that he wants to hear from us what we think about the currrent issues.
    Did you post your story and the problems we are facing?.
    Lets keep writing non-stop. We just need an admin fix, not the whole CIR.

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  • sands_14
    06-30 06:48 AM
    I am writing on original.But entries finished.Where should I write as I have 8entries instead of 6


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  • nomi
    12-12 02:25 PM
    I agree. Who or which department of USCIS has the authority to decide they will disallow concurrent 140/485 filing? If that department has the authority to make such a decision they probably have the authority to
    1. allow filing of 485 without visa number availability,
    2. allow people to start thaie name check process once 140 is cleared and everyone is waiting for priority dates to become current.

    There should be a way to find out who in USCIS comes up with these new rule suggestions. Where do all the proposed rule changes published? at the USCIS press release? May the actual press release has some information. There has got be to a way to find out from either press department or someone who or what part of USCIS makes these suggestions and then may be we can make send them out auggestions.

    I totally agree with you. That`s what I am saying too. I am glad that you got my point instead of refering me to INT. There are ways and we have to find out. I think core team should guide us in right direction

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  • GCKaIntezar
    02-20 08:39 PM
    Durga Temple Plan for Sunday 2/26

    Vineet and I chated today and he confirmed our appointment at Durga Temple in South Brunswick. Please reply to this message and confirm that you will be coming in. The tentative time to reach and setup the table is between 4:00-4:30pm.

    So far I have me and Vineet coming in. We need atleast 3 more to join us in this drive.

    I left you a voice mail on this also.



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  • alex99
    11-05 03:58 PM

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  • fetch_gc
    04-09 09:15 AM
    Pls count me in.

    Please Participate in this...


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  • gg_ny
    08-16 01:13 PM
    Hi, do you know how long it took them to clear name check? which EB category /country are you? Mine is stuck in name check and am trying to find some pattern and if possible, some solace.. thanks.

    All my security check are cleared as per information from IO (by calling 4 times in last 4 months).

    I am hoping that I will get GC by the end of this year.

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  • kouhsik69
    03-09 01:30 PM
    Where is the great predictor :D
    Rao baba is in hibernation .................................:D

    pd Jan 2002


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  • vijayassr
    02-23 02:24 AM
    Have a question on my visa.

    I applied for H1 visa with company A, when I am in US in Apr'08 with
    L1 thats getting expired, due to emergency I went to India.

    I got h1 approval notice with COS on July'23 2008.

    My Indian company B asked to get fresh L1 , so I took a stamping on
    Aug'20 2008 and came to US on L1

    changed company A with H1 visa . (company A did not do any COS again, since they say H1 is already with COS).

    Want to know if my H1 is valid do I need to do any other things to
    tell USCIS that I am on H1 NOW. Can I do stamping at Mexico/Cuba.

    If there is any problem above how to come out of it.

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  • indyanguy
    07-28 12:26 PM
    Now a days this has become a fashion to bash Hinduism and people take pride in doing so just to make a point to prove that they are very secular and far sighted and very broad minded but infact these are the people who are pseudo-secular and the reason for majority Hindus in our own country being held hostage by the policticians and the largest minority community in india.....
    I've seen this many times that any hindu who speaks their mind and strong believers in their religion will be tagged as fundamentalists and rss supporters where as I have nothing to do with any religious groups but I am proud of my RELIGION and it does hurt me when I see my religion/gods depicted in a bad way. If you are a aethist then just shutup but don't bash Hindu religion and I am sure that all the guys who tried to do so dont have balls to bash other religions coz they know the conseqences of it and I am sure these religious bashing people are the one who'd visit temple to get their greencards but don't accept it either becoz they are hypocrates or ashamed of their own religion......

    You hit the nail on the head. I definitely agree that opposing the hindu religion has become a fashion statement especially in the so called highly educated highly skilled community. If you don't like hinduism, keep your mouth shut and convert yourself to the other liberal religions out there.


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  • nonimmi
    03-07 11:17 AM
    Someone said it takes about two months for G-28 to take effect. Sometime jobs changes may not allow that much time. So for that duration RFE or other documents may still go to last attorney. Is there a way to do it online or request for immediate transfer?

    Also - if we represent self and later for some complex cases we need experienced attorney help do we need to file G-28 again?

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  • rajivkane
    07-20 10:42 PM

    My EB2 PD is Octo'2005 & receipt date of I-485 is Aug'17 2007 (receipt date on the receipt received from USCIS)to NSC(although online it shows first Aug'2007 & now October'2007). NSC online update shows Aug 10'2007. What are the chances that my application will be processed in Aug'2008? I received a soft LUD on 07/03/2008 on my I-485/ead/travel document but nothing after that.



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  • sodh
    07-23 04:32 PM
    Thanks much for your time! We already applied without it.
    Lets see... I don;t have much in my hands other than waiting....
    Wish you Good Luck.

    04-07 12:32 PM
    After reading this rumor mongering for a few weeks now, I have drawn a common between these cases (if we believe for a second that these stories ARE true). All these friend of a friend of a friend who were "sent back", seem to be working fro "desi" software "consultants". If that is indeed the case, then great work CIS. These shysters have no place in the EB queue anyways.

    (2) I doubt if CIS will risk having a lawsuit thrown at them by a Genuine American or mutlinational company if they "send bacK" their genuine H1B employee ( Do you think A place like Microsoft, Intel, GE or Boeing etc will take such treatment of their employee? No, they will sue CIS.

    (3) I work with H1B holders from OTHER countries too (lots of Russians and Chinese). None of them have ever "heard" any "friend of a friend" sent back.

    So, Cut the crap and do your work.

    You seem to be drawing conclusions out of nowhere. What�s up with you and desi software consultants? Please stop posting incendiary remarks about any group of people. I understand you have your opinion, but please be constructive and justify it based on facts, not on some rumor and your own personal vendetta. Just like you, everybody have their right to have their opportunities to improve their life and betterment of their communities they surround themselves with.

    10-05 03:43 PM
    Ask your attorney to call USCIS for confirmation. Did he add return receipt also? It should not be any issue once you get the confirmation. Good Luck!

    Hi feedfront,

    Like I mentioned before they use FedEx and so they send it to a different address since FedEx does not deliver to PO Box. Unfortunately I have no control over what my attorneys use for mailing out the response. They say they use FedEx and mail to a courier address. There is no return receipt in FedEx.

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