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  • WaldenPond
    02-24 03:58 PM
    arihant & wellwishergc

    Thank You for continued support. You make Immigration Voice an organization.

    diesel, abhikal & wrldnw4me,

    Welcome and Thank you for the support and contribution. Please encourage your friends to join this effort.

    Please feel free to call us at anytime at (281) 576-7185.


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  • Sponsored Links: Mr Wiggle#39;s

  • Sree Swathi
    04-21 02:01 PM
    Why not parents have a different category... not B2. maybe P1/P2

    B2 is tourist visa. Parents are not tourist.

    We are here because of our good parents. Forgetting them is most disrespect we do in life.
    If we don't care our parents, when we become older(parents) how will our kids will care us?.

    Research are proving...if we live together as family like in olden days...many health issues will disappear...everybody will be happy, no stress.

    We need to go back to older family system. Now we are proving...green is better. food is medicine. So why not staying together with parents is not good?. This lead us to have a strong long lasting life.

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  • saketkapur
    09-29 07:44 PM
    4. NEWS

    (a) DHS Releases Nonimmigrant Admissions Statistics: 2007

    DHS released statistics on nonimmigrant admissions to the United
    States in 2007.

    (b) Congress Passes Religious Worker Extension

    Congress passed religious worker program extension.

    (c) Congress Passes Conrad 30 Extension

    Congress passed Conrad 30 program extension.

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  • mihird
    09-15 12:11 PM
    Like the other guy you said, I have an equity of 200,000 in one house and 50,000 in other house. I still don't have green card. I have around 300,000 in
    401k and 150,000 in brokerage accounts. My net worth is around 800k, most of my money is in this country. If I want to continue my lifestyle, I need my GC, that will secure my right to live in this country. AFter 9 years of tax paying and law abiding life, I think i have a right to live in this country, but with this stupid laws don't know when i will get my GC.

    That is exactly the reason why I purchased my 3rd house (additional $125000 in equity) overseas in my home country. So that I don't have to live with the feeling of having all my eggs in this country.

    For now, it servers the purpose of giving me that secure feeling of not having all eggs here. Later on, it can become a retirement house.

    Again, its all about planning...


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  • franklin
    09-12 02:42 AM
    How the hell can all the catagories after EB3 be current yet EB3 be back logged???? By rights they should be unavilable until we are current.

    This is just so unfair.

    i can not put in to words just how anoyed i am right now.

    It really should not have been a surprise to anyone.

    Why not put your money where your mouth is? Come to the rally to help make a big change!

    Donate to the cause!

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  • Keeme
    07-15 11:13 AM
    Good luck finding one that covers you till the end AND is low on premium! The cheapest premiums are that of term insurance, and it is intended for such situations where you have taken measures to invest in other places such as real estate, equities, bonds, cash etc, AND you are not counting on earning any return on the premiums you have paid.

    This insurance is plain and simple. You pay low for covering you for a certain period of time - 10, 20, 30 years.

    Btw, if one is 35 years old and buys a 30 year term insurance, you are covered until the age of 65. What is your point?

    Term Ins is the best choice.

    What you need to cover is risk agains your life and it covers it.

    Term = Covers risk
    Whole Life = Covers risk + Savings

    My father have worked for 40 + years in LIC back in India, driving braches and their Developement officers to get new policies and business. As per him, Term is the best as what you need to have is to cover the risk against your life and it does. About savings - so called cash value is all creatures of agents and ins. companies to run their INS businesses and within that business a BANK or Investment company.

    I don't have one here in US so far. Planning to get one in next few weeks.


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  • Vsach
    07-25 01:40 PM
    Voting for?

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  • coolman
    08-25 06:07 PM
    Voted..after logging in



  • punjabi77
    07-17 04:47 PM
    Emailed and Faxed the letter to Saxby Chambliss, US senator of Georgia

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  • GCNirvana007
    08-25 01:34 PM
    I went thru TSC-EAC-TSC cycle. I did quite a bit of research online :) and found they did approve those cases, if PD is current. So, that shouldnt be a hurdle. Key is make sure you have all the checks are passed and current.

    Well, there you go. Good news to sdrblr.


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  • Aah_GC
    10-03 11:31 PM
    Guys.. my kind request - keep up your hopes and let's dream for the best. Dont get lost in what went wrong and what is going to be wrong. Be the change you want to see. Do everything you can to support the bills, and have fun in life. Not for a moment - be unhappy.

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  • logiclife
    11-08 02:07 AM
    A quick analysis of election results and its relevance to us:

    As of 11:45 PM PST, House has gone to Democrats in a landslide; the Senate is on its way depending on outcome in Montana and Virginia. If Democrats win MT and VA (Jon Tester in MT, Jim Webb in VA), the Democrats would control the Senate too.

    What it means for us:

    Change of control in the House:
    This is of biggest consequence. Since Democrats won the House, every chairman of every committee in the house will be a Democrat. They will decide what goes into each committee, what comes out of the committee, what gets floored on the house floor and when. They set the agenda, they set the timetable. They run everything...including what gets served in the House Cafeteria and who occupies which office and who gets how much budget to run their offices. Republicans in the last few years have followed the mantra of “Majority of the majority” when it came to setting the agenda and timetable of house floor votes. What this did was, bills that would win the majority of 435 votes by combining Democrats plus moderate Republicans never got floored onto the house, since the majority of majority (conservative republicans) were against such CIR and by that token non-receptive to the legal variety of immigration.

    To get an idea of the minority in the house read this quote from more than a 100 years ago:

    ”The job of the minority is to make a quorum and to draw its pay.”
    -- Speaker Thomas B. Reed, 1890.

    Throughout 2006, the biggest obstacle to high-skills-only bill to be floor on the full house or on the judiciary committee was the Republican controlled judiciary committee headed by Jim Sensenbrenner. He has won his own race(Wisconsin’s 5th) – no surprise there – he would not be heading the house Judiciary committee. Even if Republicans would have controlled the house, it would not have been Sensenbrenner, it was his last term as chair of judiciary committee. With Democrats winning, the difference is that it would not be Lamar Smith heading the house judiciary committee; it would be the Democrat John Conyers of Michigan. Whenever there was a non-CIR bill related to high-skills employment based immigration, like the one sponsored by John Shadegg (SKIL bill of the house) it was referred to House Judiciary committee. And Sensenbrenner basically put it on the shelf. That would change. How much? Only time will tell.

    Individual Races:
    Firstly, J.D. Hayworth of Arizona is on his way to losing his house seat. That’s house congressman called by Arizona Republic Newspaper as a “bully”, a strong anti-immigrant, who is gone from the House.

    Secondly, Jim Kolbe (pro-immigrant) retired from Arizona and a Democrat(Giffords) now occupies that seat. A strong anti-immigration candidate (Graf) lost election for that seat. That’s another good news.

    Thirdly, Jon Kyl almost lost his Senate seat in Arizona. If it’s any indication that anti-immigration noises are no career-savers, this may be it.

    CIR and Democratic majority:
    Democrats may still be weary of CIR because of its Amnesty component, but if they win with a landslide they may go for it. If they have a slim majority in the house, CIR could still be in jeopardy. But once CIR is dead, a legal skilled immigration bill may have a better chance as the House Judiciary committee wont be killing it every time it sees it and the Senate has already passed high-skills relief in one form or other more than once since December 2005 – S 1932 provisions, Managers amendments to CIR and Cornyn’s SKIL amendment to CIR.


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  • Marphad
    03-18 04:25 PM
    I hope the admins keep this thread open and not kill it. I am not sure what the intentions of the OP ( some of you claimed that he wants to create a rift ), but this is definitely a valid concern for all the EB3(I) guys. This is a natural reaction to the frustrations of EB3(I) guys just like the mass upheaval during the July 2007 VB fiasco. Since it was across the board, there were no differences. Now since this involves only EB3(I), there is not much support from IV or others. But in my opinion, this is as much unfair as the Julay VB fiasco.
    Some of the EB2(I) guys are worried that their GC dreams would get delayed if there is any Admin fix for EB3(I). For all those individuals in EB2(I) who want to oppose any kind of admin fix for EB3(I), I just want you to think about it. Is it really fair? There are individuals in EB3(I) waiting since 2001 - a total of 8+ years. Don't get me wrong - but some of the EB2(I) guys who have applied as late as 2006 and 2007 are expecting/hoping to get their GC this year if there is a spillover. And I think these are the individuals ( not all of the EB2 guys though ) who are opposing any kind of admin fix ( please dont yell at me or curse me etc...if you are not one among those mentioned, then please dont worry..this is not about you::) Ofcourse i would like each one of us to get GC as soon as possible) to EB3(I).
    And I dont see why there will be a rift between EB2 and EB3 if each of us follows net etiquette in positng responses. Let's do some constuctive brainstoming - without getting into perosnal attacks or getting too emotional. Let's do what is right and not what each one of us thinks is right. Then I guess there wont be any rifts. The only thing I am asking is to get EB3(I) to advnace a little bit. I am not asking for it be on par with EB2(I). I hope some of you see a point in my frustration::))
    Do you really want EB2(I) to advance to 2005/2006 while EB3(I) guys are still languishing in 2001? That's totally unfair in my opinion. I know this world is not fair but how can anyone else try to divide us if we all stand united? And to stand united, EB2 guys should be willing to support any initiative to help EB3(I) move from stone ages::))
    ( I am getting ready with my body armour for all the brickbats various people are going to throw at me::))


    I am completely with you. We should start brainstorming thread with no negative posts.

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  • Legal
    06-12 02:00 PM
    This is my thought process (also referred by Ron G):

    July 2007 brought in approximately 500K 485 cases.

    We do not know how many cases were pending as of June 2007.

    Fiscal year 2007-2008 USCIS used over 140K EB VISA numbers (I think it was around 155K).
    Fiscal year 2008-2009 USCIS will use atleast 140K EB VISA numbers

    so, 500K - 300K = 200K.

    Assuming USICS approval rate is 85%; 75K of 500K are denied.

    200K - 75K = 125K EB cases pending from the July 2007 cases.

    Additions: from all current categories - may be 25 K in 2 years?

    So, 150 K plus whatever that was pending as of June 2007.

    So next fiscal year, 2009 if USCIS uses the quota 140 K, most or all of the 2007 filings will be cleared. If not EB3 I, definitely EB2 I and C, EB3 ROW will be cleared.

    Depending on new filings, EB3 I might retrogress but retrogression might come within 3-4 years instead of current 8 years.

    I strongly believe, beginning Jan 2010, dates for EB2 (I and C) will move forward heaps and bounds followed by EB3 ROW.

    "Law is an ass".

    One potential loophole (I realize it could be wishful thinking on our part) is how the current law is interpreted. Let's say USCIS interprets the current law in such way that preadjudcated cases have to be approved before taking in new cases, then the country cap hurdle could be overcome without legislation.

    With the current economic situation, tightening of PERM, etc new EB-2 row applications are likely to slow down further. At the most, new approvals will have to be delayed by 12 months or less.

    Could it be legally challenged? Could someone bring a lawsuit to force USCIS to stop issuing GCs to people who have been waiting 10+ yrs or more? possible. I doubt anyone can force them to cancel the already issued GCs.

    Then USCIS could say they have enough preadjudicated cases, and are not able to adjudicate until they clear the backlog.;)

    For the politicians and USCIS this is a much better way to handle India EB backlog than to "issue several hudred thousands of foreign laborers immigrant visas when American citizens are losing jobs in millions" through recapture bill.

    I feel like I just wrote a short story.:)

    Members, feel free to comment.


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  • caydee
    05-24 10:35 AM
    Let us discuss all our views in Latest CIR bill discussion threadrather than opening a new thread. I am not forcing you but I feel that it would benefit all of us to be in one thread becuase every member can get the latest views and news.

    My intention is not to offend you in any way, It is a suggestion..

    Agreed. Wondering if the moderators can merge this tread with the CIR bill discussion thread.

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  • makemygc
    07-06 10:20 AM
    Hey guys,
    I have a question to all of you...

    AILA prepares the lawsuit and some (probably most) of the lawyers are supporting that.

    For several days I keep hearing that WHEN you file (in July) is not important and I am wondering how that could be true...
    I understand that the people who filed on July 2nd are beneficiaries of this but in my mind, everybody who files after falls under a different category because technically they would file after the revised bulletin was announced therefore have no argument. I understand that everybody else prepared (legal fees, medical exam and so on) and they are affected even if they didn't file but I am wondering how that can be justification enough after the dates (retrogression) were announced.

    I am trying to understand why they say that it does not matter when you file. They need more people to back this up or is just so they can justify billing you for their work...

    Is just scary, how many people play with our hopes and I need to understand if this is just to serve somebody's interests or it is what it is .

    Please post your 2 cents ...
    Thanks !

    AILA has expanded the definition of the plaintiff to cover all the july filings but it does not mean that you will be beneficiary if you have just filed in July. You either have to be a plaintiff or member of the class action (if judge allows). That also does not guarantee that you will get the benefit if lawsuit is won. As per AILF, only limited number of visa will be made available upon winning the lawsuit and that will cover only people who filed early in July. All depends upon number of visa made available, number of applications filed and out of those how many are part of class action lawsuit.

    See this excerpts from immigration-law:-
    The AILF is currently developing a lawsuit against the USCIS and the DOS. As reported earlier, apparently the AILF has been successful in finding the potential plaintiffs for the lawsuit. The plaintiffs will automatically become members of the class in the class action who will get the relief if they win in the lawsuit. The details of the relief this lawsuit is pursuing are articulated in the AILF's Visa Bulletin Lawsuit FAQ. For the summary, please click here.
    The lawsuit team lawyers are still developing the strategies and details of the members of the class this lawsuit will cover who are not members of the plaintiffs. As they move along, the details can be changed, but according to the FAQ, membership of the class would require filing of EB I-485 applications in July 2007. Accordingly, those who fail to file EB I-485 applications are likely not included in the membership and will not be able to receive the fruits of the litigation, once the class wins in the litigation. Relevant to the issue of when the EB I-485 should be filed to receive the benefit as a class member is the number of July visa numbers which will be made available to the members of the winning class of the lawsuit. Obviously, the visa numbers will be limited in numbers. The members of the class will have to compete each other for the numbers. According to the FAQ, the number will be taken under the principle First In First Out bases. Accordingly, the earlier his/her EB I-485 is filed, the better the chance of getting the number before they are exhausted. It appears that those who fail to get the numbers are likely to be left out of any benefits of the litigation.
    It thus appears that some people may want to file the EB I-485 applications with the full knowledge that the applications will be rejected and returned by the USCIS, just to become a member of the class of this lawsuit. Consdering the fact that some visa numbers may become available in October 2007 for certain people, they may be less desperate and eager in seeking membership of the class of the lawsuite. While, the nationals of ovesubscribed countries such as India, China, Mexico, and Philippines will need the fruits of this litigation much more desperately than the people from other countries. Additionally, EB-3 people may have such need more than EB-1 or EB-2 since when new visa numbers become available in October, the EB-3 numbers are likely more oversubscribed than EB-1 and EB-2. Lastly, the lower the priority date is, the more they will need the fruit of the litigation as the higher priority date applicants will have a better chance to get their priority date becoming current in October or soon thereafter. These variants should give a guide to the people to determine whether or not they should file EB I-485 applications to become a member of the class.
    However, these factors alone should not be considered absolute determinants in deciding whether they should file the EB I-485 applications in July. The FAQ indicates that the downside of becoming a member of the class by filing EB I-485 applications in July is potential extensive and in-depth scrutiny of the cases by the USCIS to weed out the applicants on the ground of ineligibility of I-485 applications. Accordingly, people with some potential issues of whatever nature may be considered poor candidates for the membership of the class. The straight forward case should be considerred a better candidate for filing EB I-485 applications in July, while those with some potential wrinkes in the case may stay away from filing the application in July.
    For the foregoing reasons, people should seek assessment of one's case by legal counsel for appropriateness of filing EB I-485 now and becoming a potential member of the class of the lawsuit. It is absolutely no and no to jump into filing the applications without the appropriate legal counsel.


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  • BECsufferer
    10-10 09:40 AM
    I am very thrilled at the news that our President has own the highest honor of this world.
    Hearty Congratulations Mr. President !!!!

    I and my family feel immensely proud that we are able to live in this country of freedom governed by a great leader like you.

    Mr President you are the symbol of hope not only for the citizens of USA but also for all of the immigrant community. You have raised our hopes that we will also be able to become a citizen of this great country soon. Your selection as the Nobel Peace Prize winner has strengthen this hope further. Sir, Please do not belie our hopes.

    Please revamp the current immigration rules and provide immidiate attention to the immigration reform. Sir, we all are looking up to you.

    Congratulations to you Mr President and Congratulations to all of the citizens and residents of USA.

    God Bless USA.

    This is simply putting cart in front of horse ... he hasn't been president for more than 9 months and hasn't solved a single economic problem our country is facing.

    And if being simply president was creterion than our ex-presidente (Mr Cheney ... oops Mr. Bush ;)) would had got 8 noble prizes + 4 from Papa. It re-inforces my opinion that europeans are ... simply out of touch w/ reality. Look america has already showed world, it can elect a black as a president from country of pre-dominatly white ( still white, check census). And what have these european self-labeled-elites done comparably?

    If you think this person has vision and can solve worlds problems than do as he asks. Join us in fighting global terror, economic troubles and uplifting democarcy in middle-east.

    Yes, God bless America and spare us from these snobs.

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  • pappu
    03-09 11:56 AM
    Not much good news for EB2 and EB3 India. I hope folks realize and do the lobby day seriously.

    Here is the timeline for folks that are not serious

    EB2 India: Waiting for July - October spillovers thinking that most EB2 will be current. The prediction threads have hyped this a lot. Many will benefit this year. But many will miss this bus too. Some from those who will miss this bus, would be back wanting to do something in Nov - May timeframe. Others will waste their time on predictions and trackers and make those site owners rich.

    EB3 India: Many who filed in July 2007 are still happy with EAD status. They worry and contact IV only if their I140 is revoked, I485 denied or if EAD renewal is delayed. Some still sulk or want to blame someone (even IV) for their delays. Those who have not filed I485 yet are few in number. Many new Eb3s still do not know the extent of the backlogs. With time they will slowly learn about the backlogs and wait times. When they suffer due to lack of EAD, they will all make noise on IV asking for some action. This is the reason why the I485 filing action item thread is still weak and pre-mature. I would give another 2 years for the non-I485 folks to have retrogression sink in.

    Retrogression is not going away. If it goes away, only applicants will benefit from it. And these applicants are too weak and small in number to even raise their voice. So why would anyone pass a law to make these people happy that do not even want any law changed. After 2 years all the folks who are not participating in advocacy days and contributing, will contribute to IV. At that time, if we in core are still around, would rather ask them to lead the effort if they can and if they are really serious. The current advocacy day campaign and contributions are a measure of seriousness for us to plan our next agenda items.

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  • hopein07
    02-20 04:17 PM
    I have been doing the same research for the past one month, here is my experience.

    1. Termlife Vs Wholelife.
    Term is better than whole life. Instead of going with whole life, you can have Term + Saving account. For example, if you need $500/year for term and $2500/year for whole life. Take the Term insurnace and pay $500/year, open a saving account and deposit $2000/year ($2500 - $500).

    The only issue here is that Term will cover you till the age of 60-65 if you get 20-30 year fixed rate policy. But if you still have immovable assets at age 65, which you surely will, that you need protected for your dependents then you will not have any coverage at all because Term will last only its stated duration. If saving/investing during young age is the objective then Term is good, no doubt, because it's cheap and covers you from risk during young working years. But I guess no company gives Whole Life on H1 so there's not any other option.

    07-10 09:18 AM
    Yes, flight to DC would have been then recovered from USCIS in the lawsuit against them.. :)

    I know your are kidding saimrathi :).

    On a serious note though, flight ticket is a small price to pay compared to the other losses that we are suffering because of status quo.

    05-29 01:55 PM
    Weldonsprings, you might be mistaken about the UAFA bill which is up for a vote on June 3, 2009. The intent of the UAFA is to allow US Citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their foreign-born partners for permanent residency by means of demonstrating a "permanent partnership". Let me re-emphasize, this bill is geared primarily for the LGBT Community of which I am a proud member, so if you are supporting this bill, my thanks to you.

    [QUOTE=WeldonSprings;343823]That is correct! The bills in the house and senate coming up for discussion does not mention visa re-capture. However, Please look at the titles-don't they sound the same. The contents are different. The content of S.424 is to give permanent residents the same STATUS as US citizens so that they can sponsor their wives, parents, brothers, sisters and doggies...So an amendment is necessary. That's why I have written in the original post-

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