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  • Green.Tech
    03-05 10:14 PM
    I always believed that everyone out here is atleast a grad with a degree. Isn't it what the minimum requirement for EB Category 3 ?

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    Undergraduate degree = Bachelors
    Graduate degree = Masters

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  • GCard_Dream
    03-18 05:57 PM
    The line "But those extra numbers would need to be made available to China/India applicants on an equal basis" made me confused. I guess the statement above would still be true if India and China had equal number of pending cases with similar PDs then both countries would have received equal number of unused visas. I missed that fact that visa allocation was by PD. Thanks for the clarification.

    Please see the last sentece which says "Thus, the same cut-off date for each country since the extra numbers must be made available in priority date order without regard to country".

    When they use this spill over, only PD is imp not the country.

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  • invincibleasian
    01-31 06:18 PM
    Well excuse me, but people having queries other than the reason why this thread was started, please create a new thread.
    Sorry to say so, but my query for travel has been sidelined because of other issues.
    thanks in advance for your cooperation.
    Dude quit hogging any thread!

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  • Jaime
    09-10 11:38 AM
    EVERY IV member should be planning to attend the rally!!! This is a historic opportunity. There is already buzz in the news and our past actions have made people take notice! Congress will be able to do something this Fall, but not after that due to the presidential campaigns. THEY WILL ONLY ACT IF WE SPEAK UP! That is the American way! If you really want to remain in America then you need to act like an American! We will act American by attending the rally and SPEAK UP! We have the most important thing on our side: TRUTH! And remember the millennia-proven phrase: TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE


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  • go_gc_way
    12-28 11:50 PM
    Anybody tried timesof India?

    I have posted there a classified in timesofindia. How to make it stand out in thousands of classifieds?

    FOLKS, PLEASE EACH POST A CLASSIFIED IN A WEB SITE ... AS Pappu has urged every one, this will help 'all of us' have more members and ease our efforts. Today we are crawling to gather the required funds, only if we had many more members , it will solve all problems .. and posting free classifieds is penny less.

    perm2gc , that's right, all IV members need send a new year gift to IV core team by posting a classified in a web site that they know regionally or any other web sites that are useful to get more members .. I will change the the name of the thread as such.

    Folks please participate more actively OR come up with new ideas that can help 'us'.

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  • Jaime
    09-13 10:06 AM
    Come To Washington!! It's Now Or Never!!!


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  • vgayalu
    01-18 09:06 AM
    Can some one tell, How to create a new thread please?


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  • thirdworldman
    03-14 05:58 PM
    I'd love to do a 3d character battle--it's been a while since I've done any character work--I'm in. Definately a four week deadline, at LEAST.


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  • jungalee43
    01-19 05:49 AM
    I had posted this statistics last year on IV. I had done good research to arrive at these figures. I hope the figures will open eyes of people who are bestowed with 'blissful ignorance'.


    I am fed up of the blissful ignorance that is so characteristic of so many EB-based retrogressed folks.

    Why should I care about this forum? Why should I contribute? Tell me what is wrong with me just sitting on my butt, and looking at Visa bulletins every month if

    1) I am an Indian with EB-3 PD of Jun 2002 or later
    2) I am an Indian with EB-2 PD after Jan 2005.
    3) I am ROW with EB-3 PD of 2003

    4) I am ROW with EB-2. (Ok. Here you can't convince me.)
    Any other categories I am missing.

    Post numbers, facts, figures, analysis. We will condense it to something marketable, so I can send it to people like us, and get them to participate.

    BTW, I am ROW EB-3 with an expected, I am hoping, PD of 1Q 2007.

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  • angelfire76
    09-28 05:57 PM
    I am one who has got a Master's degree in the US. I want to mention that because that I am proud of that. Just like Immigration Voice is stressing the fact that it is for legal immigrants only, not the illegal ones.

    Anyone who has something to be proud of would want to mention it. Americans like to say "proud to be an American" for the same reason.

    Besides, having finished a graduate degree program in the US is a big contribution to the US either financially and/or academically.

    The most serious issue with the US educated is that when it comes to work that requires a lot of work experience, they are not as competitive as those who went straight to work and has got a lot more work experience. They are only good in coming up with new patents and building new business models. The current immigration system favor those that have more work experience. So that is why the US educated ones are in a disadvantaged position.

    Considering the fact that the US educated have contributed a lot (some up to 6 years or more of their time) to the US financially and/or academically and still in a disadvantaged position, we do need some special treatments.

    Have I made it clear?

    I got a free ride through graduate school, so I should be ashamed that I didn't contribute financially and used tax payer money to convince my advisor to work on pet projects.Academically too they were more proof-of-concept type projects. :D That was a joke. Point taken. :)

    Hmmm..no I would think that you still need BS+5 to qualify for EB2 while you only need BS+1.5 yrs to qualify for EB2. Where do you think the scale is tipped?
    Also how fair is it that a new grad from college joins Microsoft, Intel (no majority of people who work there are not tech studs)etc. where GC sponsorship is a process versus somebody who doesn't have a Master's degree but great engineering skills honed by experience and works for a start-up. The immigration process is loaded against the startups in case you didn't know. I've seen too many real life scenarios of the above to be convinced otherwise.

    But let's not beat a dead horse and invite the wrath of admins or senior members.


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  • smuggymba
    08-21 12:35 PM
    Thread Starter - unless you tell EXACTLY which GC category you fall in, when exactly was it applied - is the employment based, family based or what........ur asking questions but tellt he TECHNICAL details of your case..rather than saying USCIS is bad etc.

    USCIS evaluates an application when they open it for the first time - if they saw ur application 6 years later and a single field were missing...u'll have to file again.

    To me it seems like - u were illegal when u filed becuase u came here for a month and instead filed for GC, which was not ur original intention.

    The work u do here will get u a job in canada easily. Tons of ppl are moving to canada from US just because of this crappy USCIS and GC process.

    Contact an attroney, if u dont have the money, request someone pro bono favor or contact some agency. I'm not sure if canadian consulate can help u.

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  • quizzer
    04-08 04:19 PM
    I look at this bill in a different perspective:

    1. This will give the Indian IT companies an opportunity to move up the value chain. Rather than body shop its employees to clients...they can have all the IT work done at its development locations. Also they can fill americans for half of its US workforce.

    2. It will put an end to 100% H1b bodyshoppers who just make money without having any office and putting their employees onto client locations. These scrupulous bodyshops even dont pay on bench.



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  • Hermione
    09-26 10:55 AM
    FSB debate is on H1-B raise and NOT on PR visas. So, I dont see reason to participation in debate. Thanks for the info though.

    Actually, I think participating in the debate to present the other point of view (as in 'foreign workers are good for the US economy') is a good thing to do. Giving the forum out to the antis is a good way to make sure Durbin gets his message reaffirmed. Well, that's all true, unless you are one of those people who likes to yell 'Close the door!' right after they get in.

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  • nixstor
    07-05 03:47 PM
    Since the sentiment is so strong against freeloaders - aren't all the people not donating to AILF freeloaders too ? Let's donate to AILF too while we are at it...

    My posts were not intended towards any one particular incident. I am talking about the lack of understanding behind the website, its main agenda and what we as a community should do. It is not about for one particular incident.


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  • thomachan72
    07-05 03:25 PM
    Since the sentiment is so string against freeloaders - aren't all the people not donating to AILF freeloaders too ? Let's donate to AILF too while we are at it...
    cal_dood, couldn't make out clearly what you said. However, the main point I guess is to contribute to AILF, right? I would say yes, but not directly. The best option would be to contribute to the IV and let them know that you want the money to go to the AILF. I am sure that is what IV is planning to. It doesn't make sense to fight 2 wars against the same enemy. But said that the AILF has made requests for contributions but not very seriously. The main thing they want is to join the case and even that (the numbers required) I believe is already accomplished. So sit back and enjoy the summer, while spreading the message of this injustice.

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  • 24fps
    02-04 02:41 PM
    For people who don't know, Country Cap goes by Country of Birth , not country of citizenship...So if you are born in India but now you are canadian Citizen, you will still be counted as Indian for EB based Green Card allocation, isn't this a blatent racist agenda. I have a letter from Congresswoman Zoe Logfren's office, which clearly says 'I will work on removing arbitrary country quota on employement based Green Cards', we just need to pursue her...

    its not racism its just an old rule

    u can be indian but born in a different country and you could avail of ROW benefits, my friend is indian but was born in europe as his father was workin there at that time and then moved back to india and now he got his GC in under 2 years in EB2

    racism is purely based on your ethnicity


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  • hara_patta_for_rico
    07-10 08:12 AM
    It seems several persons are already discrediting the lawsuit and from the comments I have seen, it is apparent that some have not read the entire complaint.

    In order to understand how a civil lawsuit works one needs to understand that in a complaint, one makes no legal arguments, does not cite case or precedent law but only cites the simple facts. The other side can respond to the complaint and deny or accept the allegations in part or in whole. Many cases do not go to trial, they end up in settlements or are decided through summary judgement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summary_judgment) (for the plaintiff or the defendants) if the case has undisputable matters of facts and one of the parties petitions for it. Several processes also take place ie Discovery long before an actual trial. I recommend reading the following wikipedia entry to familiarize one at a high level with the processes and rules involved:


    To get to the core legal arguments behind the case, one needs to read the counts (they are only stated and not argued/expounded on starting pg 13). Namely those are:

    COUNT I: VIOLATION OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) (constitutional rights issue)
    COUNT II: VIOLATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_Procedures_Act)
    COUNT III: DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ACT (http://www.justice.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title4/civ00036.htm)
    COUNT IV: EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT (http://www.hhs.gov/dab/guidelines/eaja.html)
    COUNT V: PROMISSORY ESTOPPEL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promissory_estoppel#Promissory_estoppel)

    There are several laws cited above, its thus puzzling to see requests for one to cite the laws USCIS/DOS is accused of violating when its all there in the lawsuit. The plaintiff has the burden of proving the counts they have stated at the appropriate time and not in the complaint. One does not play all their cards in the initial complaint.

    Even more puzzling is the persistent fear that there would be retributory action from USCIS. Judges do not take kindly to such behavior and USCIS would have no chance defending itself on charges of retaliatory actions.

    Thank you for getting some sanity into the conversation....atleast some people are realising that actions, especially those perpetrated by Govt Agencies, are watched closely. They will be held accountable, whether one likes it or not . If the lawyers want to profit from all of this, let it be so, as long as the voice of a troubled community is heard in a court of law. That is just the first step....

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  • Madhuri
    11-10 05:24 PM
    I received receipt number from USCIS for my letter.

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  • Chris Rock
    08-11 03:16 PM
    If there is a non-controversial immi. law change attempt I will donate $500. I will also bring my friends and the total may exceed $2000. We all willing to donate but only if we know that there is good chance of passing.

    If there is an attempt to push ideas like recapture, forget it. It will not pass in this economy. I do not want to waste my money and time on those kind of ideas.

    IMHO. Not to find fault with anyone. Please do not mistake me.

    03-09 01:16 PM
    I have been here 18 yrs and still waiting. You are lucky if you get it in 16 yrs. Ofcourse not all my 18 yrs have been in GC queue.

    Hey who are you calling BS ???? :rolleyes:

    I have been in the US 15 years and counting.


    07-28 01:17 PM
    I would recommend each and everyone...be it a believer or a non-believer..
    to read the book by Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion..

    If u have even an iota of rationality ..you will appretiate the beauty of his argument...This book is a must read for every mortal...

    You can get a "used" copy on amazon for 3$...please..i beg u guys to read it!

    if you have the PDF version of it then please post it. $3 is too much.

    hehe hehe i am an IT guy.

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