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  • calboy78
    08-14 11:01 PM
    I am in CA and sent to Barbara Boxer and Diana Feinstein
    Emailed it - 5 minutes
    Faxed it - 5 minutes
    Packed the letters into envelope, ready to be dropped in mailbox: 10 minutes

    == total 20 minutes

    Those who are still waiting:
    Folks, if you can't do something for yourself - NOBODY ELSE WILL. This is your future - Please do it.
    PLEASE, don't be a "passive" spectator of this forum. A change in the process requires some action..not the exhibition of frustration.
    It is costing @ most 20 minutes and less than a dollar. The outcome will be PRICELESS.

    Go IV !!!

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  • GotFreedom?
    04-02 05:44 PM
    Dude, you forgot the most important point....

    After apology/providing GC, they are going to provide settlement assistance as a welcome gift....

    Right!!! and in the future bulletins, the dates will continue to move to the future and all the FOBs will be forced to take the GC at the POEs else they will be denied entry into the US of A.

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  • garybanz
    11-29 02:01 PM
    Thank a ton for the help, Can you please tell in more detail what i need to do/say there? I have heard that people are being turned back pretty rudely at local offices. Also do i need to fill any forms before i go there?

    Thanks Again,

    Is this what you were mentioning?

    Field Offices
    Local Offices will no longer accept and adjudicate Form I-765 for an Interim EAD. The Service Centers or NBC will be responsible for adjudicating the pending I-765 and issuing interim or non-interim documentation. Upon receipt of Form I-765 requesting an interim EAD, local field offices are required to perform the following tasks.

    � CLAIMS Verification
    o Underlying application remains pending
    o Determine if RFE has been issued, thus tolling the 90-day adjudicative requirement
    o Form I-765 remains unadjudicated
    o Biometrics have been captured�if not, refer to ASC
    � Contact NBC or Service Center to initiate EAD production�either Interim or Non-Interim
    � Provide Notice to applicant acknowledging status inquiry.

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  • belmontboy
    03-15 10:01 PM
    Thank you La_guy and others....

    Do they ask me regarding this at the POE? In what forms do I have to fill the info? I am not sure, as one of you suggested, if they ask we will tell them. But does this record appear in their computer screen and if we did not mention to them, will it be treated as another crime?

    God please help me , It's THE WORST thing ever I did and been trhu a painful experience

    Thank you guys........

    Any visa form or I-94 form at POE will contain a section for declaring these.

    Yes, you have to indicate. If you don't and they findout it would constitute perjury leading to revocation and possibly complicate your life further.


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  • ilwaiting
    10-11 09:28 AM
    One can file 485 when his/her dates becomes current using the 140 receipt notice.

    Not sure why you are waiting to file 140?


    I am new to this site and had a question about the Nov. bulletin that maybe someone might be able to answer. I am EB3 ROW and I am still not able to submit my I-140 + I-485 concurrently by 5 days (my PD is July 5, 2002).

    Do you expect the EB3 ROW dates to move forward at all in the Dec. bulletin?

    I just need to know because my lawyer is pressuring me to submit my I-140 not concurrently, but I wondered if I just should wait for a month.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • sapota
    10-25 11:56 AM
    that such approvals would be due to visa number allocated to a persons case when the visa dates were current. or allocated to prevent visas from being unused in the FY 2007. It may be an unlikely that such approvals (without PD being current) will continue in the 1st 3 quarters of FY 2008. Also it would be very safe to issue EB GC visas to ROW applicants as most likely they wont hit per country limit.


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  • vineet
    08-12 01:14 PM

    I just got off the call from uscis regarding my I-485. My PD is in the first week of Mar 2006.

    Per the USCIS website, they are suppose to process even the first week of Mar 2006 although the Aug VB says it is 01MAR06. I spoke to the second level IO and he was confident that my case would have to wait for the next month. I insisted that the uscis website says otherways, he went and verified with the third level (or his peer) and came back and told me that I was correct.
    Infact told me that my case was pre-adjd and being reviewed by IO currently.

    I am sure the same applies to you with the Sep VB. Good luck !!!

    Note: This is not a legal advice and don't quote me on it.

    Cool...This gives me some hope that my PD of May 8th will also be considered current from Sep 1.

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  • WaldenPond
    01-07 10:20 PM
    Thank you WaldenPOd. I am a pharmacist and I am always extremely bz with my work and two kids. but my wife is actively participating in this effort. She has already posted flyers in Indian store and restaurant. I will ask her to post it in Chinese and other store.
    She is actively sending email to friends and relatives to join IV. Also, we are planing to visit universities around our area during this weekend and post flyers
    .Let me know what else I can do.

    Thank you guys for your brilliant efforts :)

    Hello Rayyan,

    Thank you for your support and encouragement.

    In our conference calls and one-to-one working sessions, we all remind ourselves everyday that this effort has started and will be successful one day because of silent hero�s like your. It is a long way to go �. I personally salute everybody who have been supporting this effort diligently.

    Please convey gratitude to your wife for all the good work. Her good work will help all of us suffering due to retrogression.



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  • clear485
    07-04 03:06 PM
    I already sent a AC21 letter to USCIS through my Attorney - I am not sure if my file got updated.
    My desi employer wants to withdraw the 140 petition now. He says, he cannot keep 140 petitions of employees who leave the organization and not on w2 and he will have "ability to pay issue"
    I have heard horror stories of USCIS issuing denials and NOID because AC21 letter never reached the file even though it was sent in time and I guess this is exactly what my desi employer thinks - teach lesson by withdrawing 140.
    I spoke to my Attorney and she says "your file may not be updated but we will keep a record that we sent" useful in case we want to respond to NOID or RFE.
    Folks - please post your AC21 success/horror stories when previous employer withdrew the 140 petition.
    What are my options to avoid a NOID or denial
    Thanks in advance

    You will not have any problems since you already submitted AC21 documents (keep certified mail receipt with you).....so whatever your attorney said, it is correct....you don't need to worry.....even your employer withdraws your I-140 it won't be having any problem.....it happened in my case....I have sent AC21 docs....after that employer withdraws I-140.....but nothing happened to I-140

    "Ability to pay issue" is right in employer's view.....he can able show the ability for one more application if he withdraws your application.....

    How did you find your file was not updated AC21 docs..... better way is go to local USCIS and asked your attorney name whether it is the changed one or previous one if you have changed them.....call I800 and asked them few details like attorney name and company name etc..... see some times they won't reveal any info....you have to find out the way to get right answer (like tell them old attorney's name and say didn't get any updated information about your case etc)....

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  • gg_ny
    10-12 02:24 PM
    This posting is not to dishearten anyone but to make everyone aware of the obstacles on the path. I followed up on Science article and talked to Jim Austin, the
    lead for ScienceCareer efforts of Science journal group. The baseline of my conversation goes as: there is limited funding, limited opportunities even for US born scientists, then is it wise to "import on permanent basis" scientists from abroad?Yes, it is good to have the best here, but what we (USA) require is education and training of US-born first ...

    Take home message for us guys is this: These are the people the congress hears out first when they want to make policy changes. These are the people who were able to convince NIH to double its funding in 5 years time a couple of years back. These are the people who are now saying that there is no job and money for US-born, so first get more fundingand training for us citizens, before you get foreigners to carry out research ...

    It is obvious that the issue is becoming more and more acrimonious, entangled with a lot of other issues - both political and economic. Unless the retrogressed are willing to take this to heart and put up an intense effort, in coming years the matter is going to get worse. Next few months could be the only ***healthy*** window of time to achieve a remedy for retrogression. Not only the economy is driving anti-highskillimmigration groups more vocal, we are slowly finding the pro-immigrant support base thinning out because of very bad fiscal situations.

    great work everyone. thank you nycgal and others that took initiative and pushed this effort further. committed members like all of you in this thread help us a lot by sending emails to reporters. several letters highlighting a particular issue generates interest in reporters and media orgs and they choose to write about us. It is not easy to get even a single article published in newspapers and it is due to the efforts of our members, we are able to generate awareness. There is still a long road ahead of us and I am sure with active participation from everyone, we will surely succeed.


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  • sayantan76
    04-07 09:32 AM
    If I could hire IV by paying some money and then forget about it, i would do that. However, as far as I know, IV core is composed of regular folks who are also on visas and therefore can only work during their spare time/vaccation time. I know every one of us is impatient with this EB process, but the reality is our movment is not big/strong enough. Most of us once we get hold of the Green card (is it really green color??) completely forget that we were once part of an everlasting que with so many desperate people.
    This is the main difference between EB community and the ilegals. Ilegals are united by a lot of factors and even their legal relatives dont think twice before struggling/fighting for them. How many of our dear Indian/chinese friends (who are citizens of this nation) will stand up for us??? Even though many came here and strugled to obtain the EB green card, now we are alien to them!!!
    Consider the ilegal people:-
    theoratically, they are not supposed to have any voice in this nation simply because they are ilegals and hiding from the law. How come then that they are able to have such a huge protest march?? because most of the people who protested for them and stand up for them are legals
    We will be 100 times more successful if the major indian associations/chinese associations or other country associations raise the voice for us. They should "BECOME HUMAN BEINGS ONCE AGAIN" and feel for us. We should remind them once again of the strange and long path many of them went through to get the GC.
    IV??? my friends IV core member is a person of leadership quality for sure, but he/she is just in the same unstable boat as me and you.
    you have answered your own question.......the way the demographics are today - there are many families which are part legal and part illegal in terms of their immigration status - the motivation there is to bring close relatives (and even immediate family members) over to the legal side.......

    in case of EB - typically (barring some technical exceptions) the immediate family gets the GC at the same time - so the immediate family situation is not critical. If these people want to bring in their families - then thats FB immigration and not EB.

    Besides, FB immigration and to a large extent "illegal to legal" (whenever that happens) is a template driven process (if you meeting certain basic guidelines and do not have any criminal background etc - you are in - it is not upto the discretion of an immigration officer to reject a citizen's wife or father or mother on a case by case basis) - whereas EB is a fairly case by case evaluation process........hence its simpler to coin a message that resonates with the vast majority of the interested population on the non-EB side vs on the EB side (whats good for Indians may not be good for RoW and whats good for EB2 may not be good for EB3, direct employees vs consultants, 3 year degrees vs 4 year degrees, foreign degrees vs US degreess, STEM vs non STEM etc)........

    You tend to think like a group and root for the group when you suffer as a group........as much as many people on this forum would like to highlight otherwise - i think every EB story is different, every situation is different, even the extent of suffering and inconvenience is different and hence there is no "group feeling" - we are not a "herd" and hence do not act like an "herd".......

    To be brutally honest, I have had my GC for two years now, have not really had to wait for a long time either nor is the IV agenda really relevant for me (IV does not really focus on EB1) - i continue to visit the site to keep myself updated because I am concerned (as a well wisher not as an activist) and would like my friends to get their GCs asap! But, among the 100 other "human being like activies" that keep me busy (keeping my job, paying my bills, cleaning the house on weekends, not gaining any more weight with middle age approaching etc.) - do i have time to actually do something (beyond the faxes etc that we sometimes send to senators) - NOT REALLY.

    If you poll most people with GCs and new Citizens who came through the EB route - i have a feeling that a large number would give the above answer in their truthful moments.

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  • jaane_bhi_do_yaaro
    01-14 10:13 PM
    One of my colleagues, got his GC last yr (EB2, PD 2006) in Aug. 2008 even though his receipt date (Aug. 2007 as per receipt by Texas center)
    was not honored.
    I believe that even receipt date is not honored if the case has cleared all formalities and PD is current.


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  • Ruth B
    08-27 09:16 PM
    Hi, I applied for AOS with my wife for EB3 on July 25, received all my receipts today with 08/23/07 receipt date. The checks have not been cashed yet. I'm wondering if someone else is under the same circumstances. It seemed a little odd as the most I see people talking about is having the checks cashed but no receipts. Any help will be appreciated.


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  • javadeveloper
    01-15 11:29 AM
    Could you please edit your post so that it does not take up 10 pages space of may be 10 -15 lines of information?

    Thanks for rating.Realized & Edited at 12.20(while you are writing your post)


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  • byeusa
    07-14 12:53 AM
    [QUOTE=girishvar]I know Robinder Personally for a long time. He is Championing the cause of Ind0-US affairs with his headquarters in India. He is also the very senior columnist and well respected media person in Delhi. Being a Bachelor and previous personal assistant of Rajiv Gandhi, when he was a PM, he has never entered politics and very honest altruistic man. Calling him a fraud should be incorrect.

    I smell that you are a paid poster of USINPAC. I am asking the adminstrator of the IV site to track your I.P address to see if this post is coming from some one at USINPAC.

    I think IV would like to work with USINPAC provided that they truely believe in the cause of immigration reform. Seeing the P.R that comes out of them and the content of their site, they seem to be good at issuing PR's like USINPAC applauds xz, USINPAC supports xyz,USINPAC Photo gallery etc.. I mean grand standing from the side lines and then taking credit for (as some one mentioned here,) for the sun rising tomorrow morning. Don't take it personally but the content on their site is cheesy and points to cheap publicity. I am told that much of the lawmaker community and the media has come to realize this image of USINPAC in DC.

    I do sincerely hope that they find direction regarding what issues they want to work for and where they want to take their organization. All the best.

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  • pankaj_n
    04-20 11:52 AM
    uscis works in funny ways (as we all know). As I stated in earlier post one case in nebraska i know got rejected and they stated that the appeals decision wasn't precedent. The texas cases received rfe's but got approved based on the decision.

    Just yesterday, I received 140 denial from texas where they didn't even discuss the decision and just picked on that bachelors was three year degree.

    Same case was with me. They picked on my 3 year bachelor degree. Can i do appeal after 2 years ?


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  • pappu
    01-21 08:27 PM
    FY EB1 EB2 EB3
    2003 1,266 8,536 10,647
    2004 2,998 16,262 19,889
    2005 6,336 16,687 23,250
    2006 3,156 3,720 3,006
    2007 2,855 6,203 17,795
    2008 5,327 14,819 3,576
    21,938 66,227 78,163

    Going forward, EB3 would be in 3000 to 4000 range unless we come together as a force and act.

    If it helps we can bring some good statistics experts on board to analyze the data we will have on our tracker and from USCIS. This will give us better estimates on movement of dates and how everything is currently being processed. let us know what you think or if you have any other ideas.

    To do this it is important that we all input our data in IV tracker. Soon some more features will be added to the tracker and we will make it really robust easy to analyze. Could everyone help spread the word about the tracker so that everyone can come to IV and input their dates.

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  • bebar
    01-16 01:37 PM
    Sorry I didn't mention the country. Mine is EB2 India PD 09/2003

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  • forgerator
    05-06 12:36 PM

    I have 3 yrs degree + 1 yr PG diploma. I have been working in industry for past 17 years, and don't think any degree or even doctorate would add much to my qualification for the job that I am doing.

    I am currently filed in EB3 category, and new company I am changing job to are ready to refile my GC. But they won't file my GC in EB2 category, as I don't meet the 4 yr BS requirement.

    My son will be in the highschool in 4 years, and I don't want to spend a lot of money on getting MS to myself. But for the GC I am looking for fastest and cheapest way to get MS program. I have no idea how it works, what qualifies me for a degree, what can I get credits for. Any inputs would be appreciated.


    Seems like your end goal is to get GC, have you considered option of waiting for your son to become 18 so that he can sponsor you for GC? That might be an even faster option than EB2, considering the current backlog.

    This is of course assuming that your son is a US citizen.

    04-19 02:16 PM
    What can Obama do when most of the Republicans are dead against the immigration reform. They didn't allow their own party president to pass the CIR. Do you think they will allow Obama to do it?

    That's the difference, "comprehensive reform". a lot of republicans will actually support EB immigration. Its time to stop blaming all republicans and time to find EB immigration allies on both sides of the aisle.

    12-17 11:36 AM
    Hello there,

    I have been wanting to make an IV contribution for a long time and here is my problem..I probably can be labeled a miseror a magpie! ..Whenever I go to the IV link to contribute and see the $50 or $100 option I panic and get out..yes I do!
    I have some desi colleagues and was discussing this issue with them at work..and they had the exact same experience..wow..I am not the only magpie..

    But hey is'nt IV the one which is at the receiving end not getting our contributions..

    I speak from my own experience and call me a mapie or a miser..or whatever..I cant make myself make a $50 or more contribution .. thats the way I am..But I can sure make a smaller contribution (like a monthly recurring $10 contribution which really is easier to make) and I am quite sure IV will benefit from my small contributions as well as i think a lot more people will not hesitate making contributions in smaller denominations than a whopper $50+

    And really this is not related to IV effort but more to do with my own way of thinking about parting with my money..I love my money..:)...

    My history - Made $0 contributions so far..and have been wanting to contribute for a long time now..but keep backing away..

    --Understand your situation very well. For a new comer, unless he/she is fully aware of what IV is about, what it has done, doing and going to do, it is very difficult to be convinced of 50 dollar monthly contributions.

    I see one problem in allowing contribution with lesser denomination provision though; majority would sign up for the lesser amounts. I am not talking about casual onlookers. I am talking about serious potential contributors who are convinced of IV cause and ready to contribute. They could easily go for $50, but rather, a lesser contribution option would tempt them down! In essence, it would seem like the bar was set down.

    All in all, we have to remember. IV is not supported by any 'no-nonimmigrant-left-behind' federal program.

    If you cannot do recurring contributions, you can do it in one time payments.

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