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  • champu
    01-26 05:38 PM
    Hope is the new word americans learnt...
    we should learn it too.

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  • kalia
    06-13 05:06 PM
    Hey bkarnik,

    As the report said that there is a possibility that there will be a loss of 40k visas. My question to you is What will be the I485 processing date in the Visa Bulletin if we assume that 40k visas are not loss by the agency. You guess estimate is also fine.

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  • rameshvaid
    09-22 09:25 PM
    Called 3 from Ohio and left messages. I will call most of them tonight.


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  • Onlytruthnobs
    01-17 11:33 AM
    I contributed my bit. I would contribute more as we move forward. This is a cause that I believe in and this is a cause that I would love to fight for.


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  • alterego
    12-30 05:44 PM
    This is a bunch of baloney.
    Whether this is a recession, a depression or a hyperinflationary cycle and economic wipeout, America will remain the pre-eminent world power in the next quarter century.
    The US has the most trusted currency int he world(sometimes I wonder why, but the fact is it remains such or else its value should rationally be a lot lower right now).
    It has the best universities and research centers, and remains a magnet to the worlds most motivated people.
    It has the strongest military in direct face to face combat.
    It has the largest, most well integrated, and diverse economy in the world.
    Cultural differences while they exist are far less than many other democracies, mainly since this is a newer country built on diversity and tolerance. They have just elected Obama as president, if that does not represent the best of secular ideals, I am not sure what does. The US has a lot of cultural bonds in entertainment, sports, social programs like Medicare/Social Securities, Large corporations and brands etc that are remarkable cohesive forces.

    This is a pure wish list from a bitter former KGB man, who is given a megaphone by an even more bitter Putin, who is still smarting from the disintegration of the USSR and wants the same for America.
    Dream on former KGB, dream on. If you want to know how united this country is, just remember back to the period after 9/11.

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  • n_2006
    02-20 09:01 AM
    I took from AAA for 250K. Monthly premium is $20. Initially they said it will be around $13. But after medical test they raised to $20. They asked me whether I applied for my GC.


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  • waitforgc1
    01-13 01:05 PM
    Very good to see some movement in EB2 Category

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  • rockstart
    07-31 01:02 PM
    Does any one know how many visa# have been used for 2009 quota?.


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  • ragz4u
    04-03 10:50 AM
    These are the talking points that AILA is suggesting for calls made to the Senators :


    (please call between 9am & 5pm)
    Ask For: Immigration Staffer

    Talking Points:

    1) Tell your Senator to support the Judiciary Committee's comprehensive immigration reform bill!

    2) Tell them that we need a workable solution and path to eventual permanent status for the 12 million undocumented!

    3) Tell them that we need a new temporary worker program that offers labor protections and a path to permanent status!

    4) Tell them that the family and employment backlog provisions in the Chairman's Mark are good and should remain in the bill!

    5) Tell them that full access to the Circuit Courts of Appeal must be preserved!

    I hope knnmbd realizes here that AILA has no mention of legal immigrants in the call to Senators.....your thoughts knnmbd?

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  • akred
    04-11 09:46 PM


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  • spicy_guy
    07-03 06:29 PM
    Dear Mr. President: Immigration Reform Won’t Be Enough To Stop The Brain Drain (http://techcrunch.com/2010/07/03/dear-mr-president-immigration-reform-won%E2%80%99t-be-enough-to-stop-the-brain-drain/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher)

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  • ags123
    04-07 08:23 PM
    Till 2007 that was how it was being interpretted and then suddenly DOS realised it should be by category and not by country of chargebility.
    The earlier Eb1 ROW>Eb2 ROW>Eb3 ROW spillover is called vertical spillover
    The current since 2008 spillover Eb1>Eb2>Eb3 regardless of country is called horizontal spillover.

    However see in Horizontal spill over Eb2 India backlog takes of the numbers (14k in 2008)
    In vertical spill over Eb3 India backlog takes the numbers(17k in 2007)
    This is because Eb2 India or Eb3 India have older cases and spillover is given seemingly according to PD order.
    So either method wont help Eb3 ROW. Its a double whammy.


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  • gk_2000
    04-20 07:09 PM
    Politicians are very well aware of our issues; they just don't want to provide a solution because of the hispanic caucus.

    But, more seriously thinking, isn't Mexico also one of the backlogged EB countries? I doubt they will mind having a provision for us while they do their campaign. Perhaps we really ought to join hands with them so our objects can get more widespread support .. just an idea

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  • aadimanav
    07-18 11:13 AM
    Please try the following websites


    I am planning to send letters in regular mail. What is the best address, senators local address or DC address. Any suggestions?


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  • chi_shark
    06-03 11:28 AM
    roy beck of numbersusa just said on the hearing that if 424 were to pass, his organization will feel better if 3 greencards from other categories are reduced for every greencard newly given out under 424... man... he should !@#!%#@$%@!@#$!@$$@#^#%^%^&&* *(!@#$@!$.

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  • senthil
    06-18 10:58 AM
    WithoutGCAmigo is talking about processing dates ?
    [ hopefully not a bad news ]


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  • alterego
    10-05 02:40 PM
    We have tried very hard to separate ourselves and not be a hostage of other issues. Now there is more awareness on the greencard issue being separate from H1B. There is also more awareness that Immigration problem is not just about Illegals. There are legal immigrants too in this country suffering.

    Pls post letters to the editor. Last week we are able to get CNN correct their incorrect reporting of the rally due to effort from everyone on the forum.

    Dear Editor,

    Thank you for your coverage today about an issue that is critical to the growing high tech. economy in the USA. The issue about the need for expansion of highly skilled immigrant visas to sustain this high growth part of our economy is something that is gaining increasing acceptance from lawmakers.
    Having reported on that however, you did both this debate and your readers a tremendous disservice by mentioning in the same paragraph that "In a poll 56% of Republicans earning more than $75,000 annually would "strongly" or "partially" agree with a candidate who would bar illegal immigrants from path to citizenship."
    What was the relevance of this fact at that juncture of the piece considering you are discussing legal high-skilled immigration? I am sure you are aware that illegal immigration is not an issue in highly skilled immigration. Most people already realize there is opposition of republicans to illegal immigration, we saw the implosion of CIR on the senate floor this summer. The debate over immigration is a highly emotive one for the American public, the last thing they need is an influential newspaper such as yours associating these issues at a time when CIR is dormant. This is the type of reporting that can misguide the public.
    Please correct this erroneous association which I suspect was an unintentional oversight given the impeccable journalistic reputation of your newspaper.

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  • nonimmi
    05-24 10:39 AM
    Basically they want to prevent offshoring legally... meaning

    if microsoft wants job done.. hire locally.. or bring people on direct H1 so they net the taxes. or do the job overseas.

    If Infosys brings people - do not let them work in CIsco, microsoft or, HP... that way they put overseas company OUT OF Business

    USA needs fruit pickers not hi tec, this can be outsourced..

    These guys dont know what reality is. That is the reason Microsoft, Intel, HP CEOs speak openly against the system. Color of Party changed in DC but their mind did not. This is unfortunate for this country. Doing all these non-sense they are going backword and making another mistake which may be beyond repair.

    Stopping outsourcing and restricting Indian IT companies may never be successful. They will find a way to deal with it. Only we people will suffer because of this outcome.

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  • krishna.ahd
    09-09 09:04 AM
    All arguments are very sensible. No doubt about it. am working on an EAD and they did not incur any legal cost. However, I get frustrated thinking why they charge $180 per hour to the client.... even when the cost to company for me is about $110K per annum or around $60 per hour. I do not know whether I am worth $180 per hour or not....but probably more than $60/hr since they can charge $180 / hr

    We really need to analyze this deeply if we want to come up with a strategy....

    Thanks for the 3 red dots which I recieved....
    I guess still do not get the point .
    It is not how much they charge for you and how much they pay to you. They ( your compnay) are here for business not for charity.
    It is simple economics. Demand and supply.
    If you quit they will find zillions of people of same qualification waiting to take the same for $60
    Ideally , if you want to find out how much you should get/worth , put yourself in the market and do interview and try to negotiate and see what the range you are being offered . You may not take the offer but at least you will know where you stand.
    Be aware full time ( with all benefits) and W2 / C2C/ consulting rate are very diffrerent and another dimension is region for different rate.
    Hope this helps.
    Wish you Good Luck.

    05-28 06:00 PM
    My humble disagreement here...

    Even though the hearing has been scheduled for the bill S 424, the hearings are not tightly linked to a specific bill. Hearings are a means to collect the data related to the issue at hand. The hearing results can be used to a wide range of related bills. S 1085 is a very similar bill and the emphasis of this bill is also reuniting families. During markup of whichever bill they pickup, they can amend the new pieces of the other bill.

    If it is a markup, then, it is tightly linked to the bill.

    So, definitely the party remains in good standing :)

    Sorry to spoil the party guys..but it seems this hearing is for
    S 424 - Uniting American Families Act of 2009


    and not S.1085 Reuniting Families Act ...

    I hope someone proves me wrong.... :mad::confused:

    10-06 09:35 AM
    Macaca, don't get me started on your name

    Dr Ona stands out

    I wish they hadn't closed the blog, I wanted to post on there. I don't see any posts on the link you have provided for the H2B blog on WSJ. Am I looking in the right place?

    No one commented at this H2B blog. This blog appeared without an article as compared to the other which had an article + a blog. BTW, WSJ has more articles on H2B then on EB GC issues.

    Some blogs come and go like immigration bills on the Hill. Have writeups for all occasions.

    Mercury News blog (http://www.mercurynews.com/politics/ci_7091661#recent_comm) is still open. Blog your issues/opinions; needs account. Keep in mind that Mercury News has published EB GC articles but more articles won't hurt!

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