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love poems for him for valentines day

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  • abhijitp
    01-24 07:17 PM
    Also setup time with employer to request a letter.

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  • sri1309
    07-20 08:25 AM
    You have a fair chance of visitor visa denial as its bot very easy for people of our age to come on visitor visa unlike F1 or H1 (I may be wrong, but I didnt any friend's brothers or sisters coming to US on this ).
    Also in your caseif she is asked about your status, then chances of denial increase as intent can confuse the officer.
    What will you state your Wife's status on the forms she will need to fill for 485. This can also be risky.
    If its possible, its good she comes and you do the filing and then she returns back..

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  • dummgelauft
    07-28 10:52 PM
    There is a question about removing per country limit at the end.These morons are very concerned that no single country (meaning China and India) overwhelm the supply of immigrant visa's. I wonder if they will consider applying country limits when passing amnesty :D

    .limit or no limit..they WILL end up with more Chinese and Indians anyways than other nationalities..just because of the sheer numbers, from these two countries....

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  • meg_z
    04-03 08:04 AM
    At least I think I did.


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  • smuggymba
    04-22 07:50 PM
    what are the "legal types" of clothes ;)

    macy's, dillards etc..non-walmart, non dollar store clothes...haha, kidding man.

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  • kartikiran
    11-03 09:19 AM
    EB2 likes visa bulletin predictions.
    EB3 does not.

    That explains the green or red in my opinion.


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  • Sakthisagar
    10-28 08:38 AM
    "This time you have a great opportunity to consolidate and by working in India, by becoming a good quality professional you will sustain the advantage we have created and will make growth in India a permanent rather than a temporary feature."

    Guys, wakeup! He isn't telling anything wrong - just a different opinion, very valid for a great percentage of Indians - not everyone can/is going to land in US and wait eternally for GC? and nothing wrong in what he is saying - to go for a better long term India than a spurt of growth. Why ridicule the other guy for giving a genuine advice to youngsters - how many of us haven't almost given up on our careers just for the same of EB GC? Are we just afraid of losing out to our brothers in India in future, rather than them joining our batch in the eternal wait? If we want to make US our home, at least we should start respecting another person's right to his opinion, even if we disagree. Why would it be called a gimmick?! There is no other way - if its not India, it will be China, Philippines etc. Look at the way the general product industry went? The same will happen unless there are restrictive trade policy - which, not only would be against the "US" principals of free trade, but would also automatically be harmful for the US economy.

    I personally don't see anything wrong in the article. He puts forth the right things that can be done to improve the life of Indian generations - now and for future. And if that happens, there would be a benefit for us in particular, and US economy and US jobs in general.

    hahahaha.. good one.. what a support to Infy... height of slavery. I accept your veiw point as INFY's and YOURS view point. good keep it up.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    11-30 12:21 AM

    One thing , did any other reputed site report this news ?

    It's on Greg Siskind's blog as well


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  • prioritydate
    07-25 10:50 AM
    I know before you start blaming me for this thread, as it is of no use, I would like to point out that most of you must be experiencing the same thing. I didn't care much for Visa bulletin until it became current for EB2 two weeks back. As the time progress, I am doing all sorts of things, like checking USCIS case status, and checking everything that can possibly give me some information. I know that it is waste of time, I know it is not good for health, I know that I will get GC when time comes, but still, my mind is tricking me to think about it. I checked all these forums until 2A.M last night. I am not having enough sleep. I am waiting for a opportunity to get rid of my desi employer. I am really getting frustrated (I am not saying that I have been waiting for GC approval desperately). I just want to share my frustration and what I have been going through. I know I am in a better position than most of other people whose priority date is not even current. I wish they never dangled a carrot in front of me. I am not sure if they disappoint me next month, but I am still keeping my hopes. Hopefully, I would get over this and have enough sleep from today.

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  • eilsoe
    02-07 08:39 AM
    this voting went pfft....

    nothing for 2 days...!


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  • =VALOR=
    02-04 03:43 PM
    Ehmmmmmmm ..............:whistle:

    True. Sorry.

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  • Sakthisagar
    10-27 09:54 AM
    Yes its pretty much difficult for an Indian to arrive here and find a job. Forget about settling, many EB3s have already crossed 5-10 year mark. EB2 at least 5.
    I guess he left out the point about locals moving to non-IT related fields in which the salaries are very slowly catching up to IT. These need to grow now with govt, private sector support, now that the glamour of US GC is almost non-existent for new IT graduates and almost pays back like the typical 20 year LIC policy of the 1990s I had. India has always been good in other industries like Textile, steel, cars, etc, and need to get some to world class levels.

    I was going to say infrastructure is improving and things would get very good in India in 5-10 years (?) that US IT folks would seriously not find a difference in lifestyle.
    But then I saw one of the recent movie hits, and saw the most stuff seemed to be incredulous, unbelievable - good songs though. I change my mind most times when I read some local news or see an occasional movie.
    Is there a fundamental change in thinking needed in some areas among a vast majority? something to do with realism, acheiving quality in everything.
    Corruption doesn't seem to be the only problem.
    Money may not always be the primary reason for people to relocate to India. It will be an oppurtunity to experience the best quality of work, education and learning, the same reason many of us come here.
    There has to be more aggressive regular benchmarking of everything with developed countries.
    I guess its also a normal part of evolution to a future developed country.

    India is India only... never compare it to US, and I do not think there is glamour attached to US green card, People who have the mind set of freedom and education and knowledge with a better quality of life still migrate to USA. There is no doubt about it India's economic grwoth comparing to US is really nothing. And never compare these two countries and never try to change the mind set of a whole generation, for business needs India have a unique culture, with lot of diversity. Still there is lot of poor familes (below the poverty line) in India, education has not reached the rural areas of India yet.

    US economy is down and receission is meant to happen every 5 years in US some times to recover and job creation it takes longer if you read the US history and economics you will understand better. This time the open global media made it a big issue, that is about it. When the economy improves and things are better, again your so called glamour comes back. Glamour is in people's mind set, seeing movies and reading somebody else's writing. Still USA is far far better in living and social activities than in India.


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  • ashkam
    03-27 10:59 AM
    You still didn't explain how "immigrant status verification is related to homeland security" logically.

    door lock and security are related. How is "immigrant status" and "security" related ? Would you mind explaining it logically ?

    Sure, why not. An immigrant who is not in valid status is one who is legally not allowed to be in the country. Therefore he is a security threat. If somebody who should not be allowed in your house were in your house, you would consider him to be a security threat, wouldn't you? Am I missing something here?

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  • kumar4875
    04-29 02:39 PM
    1). what makes you think that these kings, generals and colonel's didn't contribute to the event?
    2). What's your point?? close down this forum??

    no just close this thread.


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  • raysaikat
    07-19 09:33 PM
    OK guys, here is what I think. Being in US on a visitor visa, and then applying for an I-485 does seem like a violation of visa terms, but the other way round seem to be fine. I mean she can apply for an I-485 first in India, and then apply for a visitor visa later while her I-485 application is pending. While applying for a visitor visa she just has to honestly tell the consulate officer that her I-485 is pending and there should be no problems.

    If she applies for I-485, she has *beyond a shadow of doubt" expressed immigration intent. Her visitor visa request will immediately be rejected.

    If this is not so, then it means that all those who have filed I-485 in their home countries through consular processing route are in effect barred from entering US till some decision is taken on their application. This sounds bizarre. Does not make sense. What do you say?

    Once someone applies for I-485, then s/he has expressed immigration intent. From that time onwards s/he cannot apply for any visa that requires intent for non-immigration, such as visitor's visa, student visa, etc. He/she can only apply for a dual-intent visa, such as H1/L1/H4, etc., after expressing immigration intent.

    It is your own personal problem if you find this rule as "bizarre", but that's the rule.

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  • snathan
    08-18 04:41 PM
    Sorry - for some reason the post showed up as new on my PC and I did not notice the date. This is evaluation advice and certainly not an ad. It is important that everyone understand what they need as many attorneys make mistakes. It was free advice. That is my only reason to be here. The vast majority of my business comes from attorneys and firms. If you can tell me how I can help and not have you think it is an ad each time, then I will do so. I see so many bad situations that could have been avoided if everyone were just a bit more informed. That is all I seek to do here.

    Thanks for your advice. But no thanks for your so called community service. I am just wondering how come a eight months old thread showed in your PC suddenly and automatically. Basically you are ruining your reputation by your cheap tricks. In fact I had a good respect for you before you started posting here and recommended some of friends to you. But no longer. I will write to admins to ban you...you also proved not interested to pay for ad here and want a free meal. The reason everyone thinks you are looking for business here...you never give any elobrative answer. All the time you are asking people to contact you privately. But no thanks.


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  • saimrathi
    07-06 02:14 PM
    Thanks.. WIll def watch...

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  • satyasaich
    07-21 04:02 PM
    EAD Renewal applied online on Jun21st

    My Case
    Got the LIN088001XXXX
    FP done on 07/11
    Approval Email received (card prodcution ordered)today

    Spouse Case
    Got an MSCXXXXXXXXX Number as receipt number
    FP done on 07/11
    Approval: Not yet

    Will update again once i revceive the card whether i't s a 2 year EAD or 1 year EAD

    EB3/ India Nov2003
    Proud Supporter of IV

    "Don't go where a path leads. Rather go where there is no path and leave a trail for others"

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  • tselva
    11-10 04:31 PM
    The following is my prediction....

    Employment- Based

    All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed
    1st C C C C C
    2nd C 01DEC06 22MAY06 C C
    3rd 01APR05 01DEC03 01FEB02 01MAY01 22JAN05

    04-14 08:34 AM
    See how Mr. Blog feed has omitted the fact that this law is against "unauthorized alien". To a casual observer it would appear that IV supports such endeavors (promoting illegal immigration).

    And there's plenty of competition. Essentially, the bill makes the entire state a 287(g) state without the supervision of Department of Homeland Security. The bill's constitutionality seems extremely dubious, but we'll have to wait on the courts and I feel certain that a suit will be filed within days of the governor signing. Here is a summary of the bill's provisions. As an aside, I was struck by the "Profiles in Courage" passage from the LA Times coverage of the bill: [Governor] Brewer, a Republican, has not taken a public stance on the bill. She replaced Janet Napolitano, a Democrat...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/04/arizona-passes-nations-toughest-antiimmigration-law.html)

    08-03 07:24 AM
    Yes, I agree.. those roaches need to be crushed down with good governance..Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_Identification_Authority_of_India)) project is the first step of that process to have transparency to credit system, risk assessment, tax accountability, govt spending, crime control and so many others.. ... I think it will be a reality in next few years. similar development perspective is up with china now..they increased domestic consumption rather focusing only on exports..
    US needs revise this per country limit based EB immigration policies to stop reverse brain drain otherwise it will be loose the talent and the edge in research power which is the heart beat of US economy..

    If Indian bureaucracy is improved, corruption is drastically reduced and transparency is increased, India is the best place. But will this happen with this corrupt minded, useless and nasty politicians?

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