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  • eb3retro
    01-12 03:49 PM
    Wanted to donate some money for this excellent cause of getting out of this retrogression. Paypal link in your website is not working. Please let me know the email id. Thanks.

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  • Lasantha
    03-17 02:13 PM
    There could be some truth in that. Last month a friend of mine returned from India with AP and he said most of the questions they asked were about the current employer. They had asked stuff like do you still work for this same employer, what do you do? how finacially stable are they etc.

    My friend still works for the same employer so I don't know what would happen if you answer No to that question.

    Did you or someone you know experience such questions at POE for an advanced parole? Or are you just posing a hypothetical?

    I have recently re-entered on AP and not a single question was asked. Not only that, I was not fingerprinted or photographed at the counter like a visa holder would be. I was taken to the back office where an agent entered information from my AP into the computer, stamped the AP and gave it back to me. No questions asked. Period. This was at the JFK airport in NY.

    Parole is meant to grant entry to resume adjustment of status. Parole is not subject to employment, it is subject to a pending I-485.

    If this is a hypothetical from you, then please shake these imaginations and live in peace and enjoy EAD and AP.

    Too much thinking and too much analysis has caused this community to revert back to H1 lifestyle and they are not using EAD and AP - ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS why we were all so happy due to 485 filing.

    What is the point of having an early 485 filed, if you are not going to use EAD and AP and be at mercy of consulates for restamping and be at mercy of employers who will need to sponsor you to hire you?

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  • n_2006
    03-27 03:36 PM
    We didn't hear back from you. Please let us know the information you got from USCIS. Here lot of people waiting for your post (Prabably GOODNEWS from you).

    I read many places that you can attach case approval status if you have receipt number. USCIS will verify the beneficiary and will port priority date. Has anybody verified with attorney?

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  • aadimanav
    08-21 11:47 PM
    Any idea how many years will it take for APril 04 priority case (EB3/India) to get the 485 approval? Since I filed more than 3 years ago, I am telling my family and friends in India it will take 3 MORE years....


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  • frankiesaysrelax
    12-31 10:42 AM
    When my H1 was pending, I got a 3 month extension based on the receipt notice and a letter from my company. The DMV needs to see your original I-94 which is expiring or expired to ensure that the entry to the country was legal. This was at the Trenton DMV.

    BTW, NJ DMV also tries to interpret immigration laws, incorrectly in my opinion. When I and my wife went back to renew again beyond the 3 month period, I was not carrying my H1 approval notice while my wife was carrying her H4 approval notice (longer story, not relevant). The DMV refused to renew her's based on *her* approval notice saying "She is H4 and she is a dependent". We probably need a immigration lawyer with us to get our driver's license now. In the end, I used my EAD along with SSN proof and we both got our licenses renewed. But otherwise the Trenton DMV is very helpful and seem to understand the immigration documents very well. Also if anybody is visiting the Trenton DMV specifically, if you dont have the SSN card with you, the SSN office is a only a short distance away and you can get a printout from the SSN office verifying your SS#. Printed directions courtesy the DMV staff.

    I distinctly felt unwelcome in this country having seen other times when renewing a license was not such a hassle. This is the twilight zone for people who are genuine and caught in the immigration whirlpool.

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  • ohguy
    09-27 09:45 PM
    Which center did you apply and where did you send the supporting documents?

    Did you send it to the address generated on the receipt?

    We applied for my wife EAD/AP on June 7, 2010 (E-file)
    Her EAD was approved in few weeks back but there is nothing on her AP.

    Her LUD change was on 6/11/2010 when they issued the receipt.
    We called USCIS and initiated SR. Still no change in LUD.

    Infopass is not a great option for us (3 hour drive one way). Any help is appriciated.
    (We used to have POJ trick for calling NSC IO directly,
    Does it still work?
    If yes, what are the steps?)

    Thanks in advance.


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  • rkay
    06-03 10:56 AM
    That is your knowledge about America....Grow up dude.

    If they really promote cheerleaders other tha any probably you won't be here.

    There are lot of things I understand about america. One of them is america has lot of non-senses among many sensible things.

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  • boreal
    03-17 09:33 PM
    Why the bloody hell are you guys judging him for what he has done? He only asked for some advise regarding immigration implications of his situation.

    I do not think any of you who is beating him down like this has any right in doing so. I bet that each and every one of you have done more mistakes than Mr.Sahaayam did. You just were never caught. You must have done more filthy things than 'shop lifting'. I'm sure you have all lusted after women, watched porn, frequented strip clubs and drank a lot of filth. Some of you might have slept with more than one woman.

    Don't you think these are more filthy than shoplifting? Guys come on! I would not have any problem if one of you who has never committed any mistakes in life would point out other people's mistakes. But none of you are good enough.

    If anyone wants to reply to my post, I would like the first person to do so to be the one who has never committed any mistakes in life so far! Others please get lost.

    And you are defending a guy who has committed shop-lifting with this? You should have probably come out with more ammunition than this. Because of ppl like the OP and maybe you, we Indians are getting a really bad rep everywhere. I am sick and tired of defending our community, when ppl like you and the OP defend (or even condone, in the name of an immigration query) such acts with no compunction. Shame on the OP and for defending him, YOU!

    OP, please get lost from this forum and from this country. This country is not for criminals like you (there are enough already). I wish you had gotten a stricter sentence than what you got. And those of you that want to defend the OP or the folks that condone such acts, in the name of immigration, dont need to lecture me on taking this stance - just get lost, will ya!

    I wish the Admins delete this thread and not encourage such postings!


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  • reddog
    01-27 10:45 PM
    It is unlawful for an alien admitted on a non-immigrant visa to own a firearm(with one exception).
    So, if you want to own a gun, read on....

    The case where this 18 USC 922(g)(5)(B) was mentioned elaborately was United States vs ELRAWY.
    And it clearly is re-affirmed what is stated in the law on Unlawful acts(Sec 922) for FIREARMS, that '(g)It shall be unlawful for any person - (5) who, being an alien - (B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(26)));

    The case: http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/....04-20123.html (http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F3/448/448.F3d.309.04-20123.html)

    The case clearly notes that a person on Adjustment on status remains on the last admitted visa status until the Adjustment of Status is approved. So there is no ambiguity there.
    A person even after he has applied for adjustment of status can remain in the country, but for ownership of a gun, he falls back on his visa status.

    However, the law clearly states an exception for the person who is an alien that is on a non-immigrant visa - the (y)(2) part:

    (y) Provisions Relating to Aliens Admitted Under Nonimmigrant Visas. - (2) Exceptions. - Subsections (d)(5)(B), (g)(5)(B), and (s)(3)(B)(v)(II) do not apply to any alien who has been lawfully admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa, if that
    alien is -
    (A) admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes or is in possession of a hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States;

    Link: http://uscode.house.gov/uscode-cgi/fastweb.exe?getdoc+uscview+t17t20+535+12++%28%29%2 0%20AND%20%28USC%20w%2F10%20%28922%29%29%3ACITE%20 %20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 (http://uscode.house.gov/uscode-cgi/fastweb.exe?getdoc+uscview+t17t20+535+12++%28%29%2 0%20AND%20%28USC%20w%2F10%20%28922%29%29%3ACITE%20 %20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20)

    In short, apply and get a Hunting Licence from the State DNR., take the safety courses and then apply for the State firearm ID.
    And, if your licensing authority knows about this exception(hunting) in the law, they will issue you a license.
    If not, they will reject your application. If so, You might want to bring this section to their notice.

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  • spicy_guy
    10-15 03:41 PM
    Me too !! My ticket were for Nov 3 and i am waiting for the last 54 days ..just requested USICS to expediate the AP based on financial loss ...
    You need to hurry up, if not already. They don't care a dime if you loose your money / tickets / travel. But just need to show them a sense of urgency. Thats all we can do.


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  • gc28262
    02-11 10:19 PM
    Which service center processed your I-140 ? For Eb2 cases, USCIS ( especially NSC) doesn't accept a combination of degree and experience. They require a single 4 year degree.

    You should not completely give up on this. Get a good lawyer, a good education evaluator and try to save the case.

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  • Nil
    04-25 11:35 AM
    Blood donation and organized rallies together seem to be the best way for getting attention.


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  • JunRN
    12-19 02:01 PM
    Mine is just 4 days.

    Nov. 23 - Card Production
    Nov. 27 - Approval Notice Sent
    Nov. 28 - Card in the mailbox

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  • jayZinDC
    04-02 01:04 PM
    Your motivation is very simple, lets say there are 10 people in line with one service counter, the service counter processes only 10 apps at a time, but if you are an Indian in line your time taken to process is longer. Now what are the solutions? We can speed the Indians in line by opening up new counters to service them, for that we need more money (aka contributions). Now 2 people are processed in parallel . So new people can enter the line (in the past they could not until the dates got current). I hope you get the message very akin to what you would do in the semi conductor industry. I am guessing your dates are not current and hence you are unable to apply, now more people in line getting processed means dates move and you will be current, then apply get an EAD now your wife can work. Then the US starts to become like heaven.


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  • nozerd
    08-01 12:49 PM
    If you have kids then its easy to move to India before the Kid goes to 2nd or 3rd grade ie before they are 8 or 9 yrs old. After that there is no way you can take a kid out of school in US and expect them to be competitive in India.
    This is based on US public school system standards (if you are homeschooling its different). I had friends when I was in India who had lived all their lives in Middle Eastern countries and even though they had studied in Indian system they felt it difficult to compete there.

    I am not sure if you are aware of NAFTA, it was a trade aggrement that was suppose to be the equivalent of EU in terms of trade. It failed because low-cost manufacturing took flight from Mexico to China and similar scenario for software from US/Canada to India. This trend is not going to reverse in next few years. Exceptions will always be there.

    Service sector already accounts for 40 to 50% of Indian GDP and will keep growing. Based on these facts it is obvious that long term economic prospects are better in India/ China, since you are looking from your children's perspective.

    Also, you mention issues about Indian education system. I disagree. There are problems with American education system also. You can't generalize. If your kids are smart they can get into better colleges like IITs etc. I think you are confusing the issue about adaptability with good future prospects.

    One last thing about issues. It would be good to let your kids decide what skils they are interested in learning, most Indian parents live their own dreams through their kids. Just a suggestion :)

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  • vivid_bharti
    07-02 10:34 AM
    I guess country quota is root of all our green card related griefs. everybody else can dream of getting a green card someday, but EB-3/EB-2 India & China should stop dreaming about Green cards...I am sure this can be prooved illegal.
    Yes true. This is the only angle that is viable in theory. All that can be done is challenge that the per country quota violates the constitution. Then the judge can strike that clause off.

    Besides this it needs a law change.


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  • meg_z
    03-02 07:48 AM
    Second check will be there over the weekend. Thanks.

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  • zen
    04-06 04:37 PM
    what you say above is true. but the fact is that we are what we are ..and we are at cross roads ..and that is where we are.
    the main question is how do we increase membership .. the answer to that has to be in meaningful and visible campaigns.
    forcing people to pay money when their jobs are at risk will not increase membership.

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  • eb2waiter
    05-28 06:16 PM
    You should rather analyze how many people from India made innovations like starting a company, a technology, patenting a process etc, on H1B versus on GC?.

    Innovation starts when slavery ends. Free thinking and ideas arise often even on H1B, but people can easily act on them when not having to worry about getting kicked out of the country. For your information there are a LOT of companies (and patents) started by Indians who have made it big here. Most of them came on H1B. Similarly there are a lot of companies in the tech area that are starting up in India.

    Again best and brightest does not mean innovation and patents alone. It can also refer to the ability to solve existing problems, design processes that need not be patentable.

    I found this interesting comment from a blog. It has been posted by an H.R. representative who has access to H1B and GC users' records. The points raised are indeed valid and they seem to have a 'case' against us. I do not by any means want to undermine our efforts but it does provide a perspective from the 'citizens' perspective.

    The bill would also drastically increase the number of H-1B visas issued to foreign professional workers. As a Human Resources representative, I see first hand how the H-1B visa and employment based green card programs actually work together to drive U.S. white collar workers from their jobs and even from their careers. To begin with, there is virtually nothing in the law that prevents employers from hiring H-1Bers for open positions even if qualified Americans are available and willing to do the work. Americans are routinely laid off and replaced with lower paid H-1Bers also. In these cases, Americans have practically no legal recourse available under current law. H-1B is also a dual intent visa, so an employer may sponsor an H-1Ber for an EB green card for legal permanent resident status. When a company seeks to sponsor a foreign worker for an EB green card, they are required by law to demonstrate a good faith effort to recruit Americans first. This process is called labor certification. But employers routinely game the labor certification process for green card sponsorship to defraud even well qualified citizen job applicants in favor of low wage foreigners. They use fake job ads and/or bad faith interviews of American citizens to convince the federal government that they tried to find American workers first. These practices are common in high tech and even in some non-tech industries, but HR people are told to keep quiet about it or lose their jobs.

    I would be in favor of a program that issues a small number of self-sponsoring green cards for truly innovative foreign nationals on a competitive basis. But very few of the H-1Bers or green card applicants that I have seen in 10+ years even come close to being truly innovative. Most are just practitioners with skills that are actually quite common among the domestic workforce. The only thing special about these foreigners is that they will work for substantially less than Americans in order to have a chance to become legal permanent residents. Thus they are used by management to sweeten corporate balance sheets.

    The prevailing wage regulations are supposed to insure that foreign nationals are paid the same as their American counterparts in the same job functions, but these regulations are so riddled with loopholes that they are a bad joke.

    Since my work allows me to have access to salary records, I can tell you that the labor cost savings for H-1Bers and green card applicants is substantially greater than the costs of filing the applications with the government.

    Citizens should demand that both the H-1B and employment based green card programs be abolished in their current form.

    My point is if we check our credentials, how many of us are 'true' innovators? I know I am not, I am an expert in what I do and am an asset to my company but I haven't filed any patents or publications which would be the true requirement for this country. My skills are indeed readily available in domestic workers as well. Could that be the reason for the backlog in EB-3 and none in EB-1? So do we need to do a reality check here? Just wondering if this could be the reason why we're getting a raw deal. Could it be that 'highly skilled' is not enough but 'genius' and 'highly skilled' is what's required here? Just a thought.

    04-06 04:23 PM
    If I could hire IV by paying some money and then forget about it, i would do that. However, as far as I know, IV core is composed of regular folks who are also on visas and therefore can only work during their spare time/vaccation time. I know every one of us is impatient with this EB process, but the reality is our movment is not big/strong enough. Most of us once we get hold of the Green card (is it really green color??) completely forget that we were once part of an everlasting que with so many desperate people.
    This is the main difference between EB community and the ilegals. Ilegals are united by a lot of factors and even their legal relatives dont think twice before struggling/fighting for them. How many of our dear Indian/chinese friends (who are citizens of this nation) will stand up for us??? Even though many came here and strugled to obtain the EB green card, now we are alien to them!!!
    Consider the ilegal people:-
    theoratically, they are not supposed to have any voice in this nation simply because they are ilegals and hiding from the law. How come then that they are able to have such a huge protest march?? because most of the people who protested for them and stand up for them are legals
    We will be 100 times more successful if the major indian associations/chinese associations or other country associations raise the voice for us. They should "BECOME HUMAN BEINGS ONCE AGAIN" and feel for us. We should remind them once again of the strange and long path many of them went through to get the GC.
    IV??? my friends IV core member is a person of leadership quality for sure, but he/she is just in the same unstable boat as me and you.

    07-23 03:39 PM
    All NVC documents take 3-4 weeks before you get them. NVC sent Biographic forms data to my lawyer's office on July 2nd and they reached my lawyer's office last Friday. So it was approx. 3 weeks.

    Hope this helps you!

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