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  • alterego
    10-06 10:18 AM
    Thanks everyone for writing to the editor

    I got an e mail from customer service this morning stating they had forwarded my letter to upper management.

    It(this issue) definitely got to their attention loud and clear, and hopefully it will have an impact of both sensitizing them to this separation in the future as well as prompting them to give our issue more coverage going forward. Perhaps I am being optimistic here, but one can only hope.

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  • ns007
    04-16 01:53 PM
    I don't think the threads on IV should only be related to GC retrogression. Yes, retrogression is the primary objective of IV. But, there are other threads on IV that are related to non-retrogression issues and, are very informative like threads on 401K etc. Anything related to immigrants should be welcomed.

    Yes, people in this forum are from all over the world. But, I don't think the intent of this thread was to offend them. I go through the threads that interest me. I am sure other members do the same.

    Let the thread itself decide its worthiness.

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  • seeking_GC
    03-27 05:15 PM
    Hi Guys,
    I think while choosing a candidate for representing before Congress, we need to also ensure that the person is articulate, eloquent and able to put our point effectively across to the other side.

    Being from the tech field myself, I encounter a lot of highly intelligent people who do not seem to have adequate communication skills which is a huge drawback.

    So, just a note to the moderators, when we do select a candidate, please ensure that either they are given adequate training in public speaking (for example ) or they are paired with a person armed with those skills. Not all of us posess the finesse and suave necessary to impress such an audience and it is imperative that we acknowledge the fact that the person we choose purely on merit might need some assistance while conveying his/her points across.

    My 2 cents..

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  • indio0617
    04-03 10:40 AM

    We all are aware of the phenomenal progress that IV has achieved in just 3 months. Like any grassroots organization our success is dependent on the wholehearted support we get from our members.

    The road is long and hard. I am sure all our hard work is going to pay off. This is not the time to get impatient or frustrated. Remember we are all in this together. Let's be patient and wait for things to unfold.

    Thank You.


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  • WaldenPond
    11-08 11:28 AM
    hey friends,
    I saw that Logiclife mentioned that the head will be from michigan. I am from michigan and a lot of my buddies also visit this site regularly. Let us know if we can make a difference. Please let us know what can we do to help our cause here. I am ready to drive, meet, talk to any one I can to push things here. I dont know how much of an impact that would be, but even a little can help.
    Please pm me with any suggestions or ideas.

    Hello cagedcactus,

    Thank you for offering to actively participate and connect with key lawmakers in MI. As janilsal suggested, it would be a very good idea to start MI �State Chapter�. This would help your friends and other IV members in the State of Michigan to organize meetings with the key lawmakers. Here is the link to State chapters:


    Also, please encourage your friends to register (in case they have not yet registered), and request them to invite their friends to IV. Here is a tool to send an invite to people who may not already know about IV.


    This will help increase IV members in different states and would increase the constituents to educate and convince the lawmakers.


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  • gapala
    05-29 03:02 PM
    Native Americans speak English from the day they were born and sometimes can't translate the spoken words to letter. .
    This truely made me laugh :D

    Good point though.. I agree with you.. This is coz.. the kids learn language by sound units not by word units.. They see their parents talk, often running words together to smoothen up a lil bit as a part of their speach music.. Kids follow.... and as they grow, if you ask them to put it in paper... damn!..they can't..

    There is a different version of same problem, kids in High school who can't read.. the language that they speak... Even in India, I have seen.. there are people who speak for Example (Konkani), can't read or write Devnagari script But they speak well... so.. here you go.. "Sound units to Word units.." :)


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  • maximus777
    08-10 08:05 PM
    Let me take a stab at it:

    EB2 I - June 2006, EB2 C - Dec 2006
    EB3 I/C - Dec 2003

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  • chanduv23
    10-12 09:53 AM


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  • gmahajan
    04-18 03:59 PM
    What are the implications for software industries - if dollar goes down againest rupee?

    a. Lesser profit margins for Indian companies which might result in cost cuts and layoffs;
    b. Lesser salary for Indian software employees in India;
    c. BSE will crash down to adjust to the currency changes;
    d. Indian real estate market will go down as the NRIs will not be able to afford land prices;
    e. Indian farmers will be effected because imported agricultural products and food grains will be cheaper;
    f. American companies will not be able to afford outsourcing in India and will be forced to bring more H1b employees from India to develop inhouse;

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  • tnite
    06-18 11:39 AM
    I485 will be the new labor (RIR and TR)


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  • saimrathi
    07-09 01:08 PM
    I saw the thread about the negative comments on Fox... Can you please direct me to MSNBC's coverage on this?

    Mainstream media seem to be cautious about these issues as it may work against their self interests.

    I am still surprised that CNN did not pick this though MSNBC (did a positive) and FOX (Did a negative) on this

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  • singhsa3
    08-13 09:27 PM
    Please contribute


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  • unseenguy
    07-04 11:25 PM

    You have to register the birth with the consulate (to get an Indian birth certificate) within a year using this form (see part II) (http://www.cgisf.org/visa/misc.pdf), following which you should be able to get an Indian passport. The USA will not issue a visa on this passport since it considers the child to be a US citizen. However, US policy in this regard does not matter if the child never travels to the US.

    WTF? US will decide which country's citizen is our biological child?

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  • espoir
    07-09 01:03 PM
    Everyone on the fence and still deciding to send flowers, please do it. Here's why I sent it even though I was opposed to this initially. This is a chance to get USCIS attention. If it works, I dont want to regret that I didn't take part in this. If it doesn't work whats a few bucks when we are spending lot of money on the processing.


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  • 21stIcon
    02-19 04:35 PM
    Not that you know , you should have bought it before or you should have done through research before wasting others time.

    I have 7 polices with LIC in India, One 700k term life with prudential and 300k whole life for my wife, but whole life in US Prudential is bad experience with one of well known company then done research on this topic. Whole life insurance policy all over the world has surrender charges(including LIC in India). you would not get full benefit if you do not complete 10/20/30 years term on your policy,you would get part of your money and loosing a lot.

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  • EkAurAaya
    05-13 05:16 PM
    This whole discussion is really silly... I'm glad IV leadership is not self centered, atleast from what i see they think about the community on the whole.

    Lets put all these fruitless arguments to rest... the ROW vs India/China, Nurses vs Others, EB1 vs EB2 vs EB3!

    I'm EB3 India and I have no one to blame but me for being in EB3 (I'm certainly qualified to be in EB2 but I chose to stick around with the same company for the very reason we all are here on this forum... i.e GC)

    For those who think its unfair... rather then sulking about it... do something and move to EB2 if you cant wait any longer... or at least support IV in their efforts.


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  • vpgreencard
    07-30 09:49 PM
    Please don't start these kind of useless thread

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  • sbabunle
    04-09 05:58 PM
    Best post so far on this thread :D
    I will never go back. I'll stay legal as long as I could.
    And then I'll stay illegal and make mone :D :D :D


    You can't get more than 10K people to sign up to IV.
    And you can't get more than 300 people to sign up for $20 per month.

    What makes you think you can convince 20-30K people to move with you?


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  • anantc
    08-19 11:30 PM
    Anyone have the fax # for TSC center and Format of letter to request Expediate EAD renewal process because of job offer.

    03-17 11:39 AM
    I have an Idea, instead of all of us spending time in making useless predictions, why not engage an astrologer from India, pay him a few hundred dollars, create him an account and have him run the "Bulletin Patra" (Like Janam Patra) every month?

    01-15 03:54 PM
    what is diff between llc and s-corp and which one is good to start?

    The latest issue of the inc magazine has a good article on this topic... that way you will get unbiased non-debate information...

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